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Trump and Carson Surge

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Political outsiders Donald Trump and Ben Carson continue to surge in popularity with GOP voters, pulling far ahead of the rest of the Republican presidential primary pack, a new poll shows.

The Washington Post/ABC News survey, released Monday, shows real estate billionaire Trump with 33 percent of Republican-leaning voters and retired pediatric neurosurgeon Carson with 20 percent.

Polling for the rest of the field included:

  •  Jeb Bush, 8 percent
  • Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, each with 7 percent
  • Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, 5 percent
  • Ohio Gov. John Kasich, 3 percent
  • Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, 2 percent each


Source: Cathy Burke, http://www.newsmax.com