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Trump’s Tough Language

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By: Ed Stetzer – – January 12, 2018

When my ancestors came to America from Ireland, they left what many people considered a “s‑‑‑hole” country. A potato famine, combined with Ireland’s bad reputation in much of Europe, led many to call for an end to the immigration of the unwashed Irish.

“Filthy,” they called my family.

But, let’s face it, the disdain they suffered is nothing like what people from other parts of the world have experienced. We would hope, however, that such labels are an embarrassing relic of the past.

Yet on Thursday, during a meeting with lawmakers on immigration reform, President Trump was quoted as saying, “Why are we having all these people from s‑‑‑hole countries come here?”

Although the White House did not deny Trump’s remarks that day, on Friday morning Trump suggested on Twitter that the comment was “tough, but this was not the language used.” Either way, it was obviously shocking to those in the room, and he didn’t deny his underlying sentiments.

This is not the first time that Trump has horribly caricatured immigrants. During his presidential campaign he said of undocumented Mexican immigrants, “They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people.”

So, the commander in chief used a filthy or “tough” word to the point that it stunned those who heard it. But beyond the profanity, the most startling part of his remark is his suggestion that certain people’s living conditions should disqualify them from immigrating to the United States.

Mr. President, we have all these people coming here because of who they think we are — the kind of nation that believes all people are worthy of dignity and respect. They want to come here just like my ancestors did, even when they were called filthy.

I’ve walked in places where words like this would literally describe the streets — open sewers, for example, in a favela in northeastern Brazil, or the slums outside Kumasi, Ghana. There is still poverty where I’ve walked in urban Johannesburg. And, yes, they are, at times, quite literally, places (and holes) where feces run in the streets.

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Source: Trump said a bad word, and it should shock evangelicals – The Washington Post