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Where Paul Ryan Stands on the Issues

Rep. Paul Ryan came to Congress as a 28-year-old policy wonk who had already established his chops in Washington, D.C. Working as a speechwriter for former Rep. Jack Kemp and serving as a legislative director on Capitol Hill gave Ryan a perspective on the policy battles that play out in the nation’s capital.

Over the course of his 16 years in the House, he led the Budget Committee and currently serves as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. He was also tapped to be Mitt Romney’s running mate in 2012. During his time in Congress, he’s accumulated a lifetime average of 63 percent on the Heritage Action scorecard and an 83 percent lifetime score from the Club for Growth.

Now, as he considers a run for House speaker—a job he’ll only do if all factions of the GOP stand behind him—The Daily Signal takes a look at some of the key issues that have shaped Ryan’s career.

1) Abortion: Ryan has supported pro-life legislation and efforts to defund Planned Parenthood. According to Politico, Ryan said, “I support the rights of the unborn child. Personally, I believe that life begins at conception, and it is for that reason that I feel we need to protect that life as we would protect other children.”


Source: Philip Wegmann,