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Who’s Ready for Early Voting Next Month?

Pile of I voted by mail stickers
By: The Editorial Board – – August 26, 2024

The 2024 election starts in North Carolina with mail ballots on Sept. 6.

Note, too, the warning from the North Carolina State Board of Elections about how there are no take-backs. Here’s a question on its mail-voting FAQ page: “Can I vote the ballot and return it to the county board of elections, but change my mind and cancel my ballot and vote on Election Day instead?” The unequivocal answer: “No. Once you return your ballot, you may not change or cancel your ballot.”

This creates a risk for North Carolinians who cast mail votes with weeks of campaigning left. No matter what happens, their ballots are locked in. If Ms. Harris in October calls on the government to seize the means of grocery production, or if Mr. Trump pledges to appoint RFK Jr. to the Supreme Court, too bad, so sad.

Those examples are hyperbolic, but October surprises are real. In 2016 the news of Mr. Trump’s vulgar remarks on the “Access Hollywood” tape broke Oct. 7. On Oct. 28, FBI Director James Comey issued a letter saying the bureau was reviewing newly discovered emails in the Hillary Clinton server investigation.

Other states aren’t far behind North Carolina. Starting Sept. 16, according to the Associated Press, Pennsylvanians can to go election offices to request, complete and return mail ballots in one sitting. Early in-person voting can open Oct. 6 in Michigan and Oct. 9 in Arizona.

Some absentee or early voting is probably a necessity, since busy people have travel plans and other conflicts. But sending voters irrevocable mail ballots two months before Election Day is erring too far on the other side, and when states consider their voting laws again, these timelines deserve tightening.

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Source: Who’s Ready for Early Voting Next Month? – WSJ