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Why Pro-Lifers Oppose Violence Against Abortion Clinics

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Though a million children are murdered each year, we remain non-violent. Here’s why:

Thanksgiving weekend was marred by news of a mass shooting at a shopping center in Colorado Springs, CO, which wounded nine and claimed the lives of three people, including Garrett Swasey, a police officer, church deacon, and pro-life Christian. Pro-choice reporters jumped immediately to conclusions about the motives of the shooter, even before he was captured, because one of the nearby businesses is a Planned Parenthood clinic, whose employee placed the 911 call. Even as terrified shoppers ran for cover, Twitter filled with politicized sneers about “white Christian terrorists,” an apparent slam at citizens worried at the influx of Syrian Muslims.

There is no evidence that the suspect, Robert L. Dear, who was also shooting at passing cars, has connections with any pro-life organization or even a church. Dear does have a record of brushes with the law; he was arrested once for apparent voyeurism at a neighbor’s house, and later arrested for shooting that neighbor’s guard dog — though Dear was never convicted. President Obama used the incident to issue yet another call for restrictions on citizens’ gun rights.

So it looks as if Dear is not a “Christian terrorist,” but rather the kind of random psycho who leers into neighbor’s windows and shoots their dogs. But some phrase Dear allegedly muttered about “baby parts” will be enough for pro-choicers to tie this deranged hermit’s shooting spree to the “atmosphere of intimidation” that was allegedly created by the Center for Medical Progress’ investigative videos, which revealed Planned Parenthood employees trafficking in human body parts. Every random empty threat that some loner phoned in to a clinic — the kind of threat that Christian ministries also receive, but rarely trumpet — will now be dragged out as “evidence” that pro-lifers are suborning acts of violence by using our free speech rights to seek a change in America’s laws.


Source: John Zmirak, https://stream.org