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Why Trump isn’t pursuing charges against Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton
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President-elect Donald Trump said Tuesday he won’t pursue criminal charges against Hillary Clinton because it would divide the nation — and she’s already “suffered greatly.”

“I don’t want to hurt the Clintons — I really don’t,” Trump said in an interview with the New York Times.

“She went through a lot and suffered greatly in many different ways.”

When asked whether he would pledge not to prosecute the former secretary of state, the president-elect said, “It’s just not something that I feel very strongly about.”

The president-elect added he was also concerned about the impact after the bitter election.

“I think it would be very divisive for the country,” he said.

Trump’s conciliatory gesture to Clinton is a sharp contrast to a key plank of his winning campaign message.

Source: Why Trump isn’t pursuing charges against Hillary Clinton | New York Post