Democrats’ first—and often only—response to rapidly rising prices is to try to impose price controls.

By: Jason Snead – – January 4, 2022 The Left doesn’t want a debate over the details because it would show that the state laws they rail against simply make it easier to vote and harder to cheat. Democrats are once again teeing up a showdown over “voting rights” and the Senate filibuster. After the Build Back Better package stalled…
By: Charles C. W. Cooke – – January 6, 2022 The same people who until now treated catching the virus as evidence of a character flaw have suddenly changed their minds. Don’t expect an apology. Earlier this week, CNN’s Chris Cillizza lamented that, throughout the pandemic, “Societally we unknowingly turned having Covid into some sort of judgment on your character.” To remedy…
By: Michael Brendan Dougherty – – January 5, 2022 As the Omicron wave of Covid-19 washed over the American Northeast and started to spread nationwide, familiar public-health officials and commentators suddenly started to say things that were previously unsayable. And CDC guidance started changing rapidly. Things such as “your masks are useless.” And “the hospitalization figures for Covid in…
For the last year, we’ve heard one commentator after another tell us that American democracy is in crisis.
By: The Editorial Board – – January 5, 2022 The Capitol riot of Jan. 6, 2021, was a national disgrace, but almost more dispiriting is the way America’s two warring political tribes have responded. Democrats led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi seem intent on exploiting that day to retain power, while the Donald Trump wing of the GOP insists it…
Under the pretext of public health, the soul of what is known as the Free West has left most Western countries.
Over the last year, the debate over elections and voting rights has been poisoned by name-calling and conspiracy theories, distracting from the legitimate issues concerning America’s large and complex election system.
By: The Editorial Board – – January 4, 2022 The anniversary of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot is Washington’s theme of the week, and waves of righteous anger will roll across the Mall. We agree the riot was disgraceful, but then why not rewrite the law that encouraged Donald Trump’s supporters to think Congress could overturn the 2020 election?…
All Americans should expect that the public schools that they pay for with their tax dollars will be open for students to attend, regardless of union demands.
The end of the year is always a time to take stock—and as years go, in terms of politics at least, 2021 was a doozy.