The new omicron variant that is causing renewed panic among government officials and media could turn out to be “a Christmas present,” says the inventor of the mRNA technology behind the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.

By: The Editorial Board – – December 20, 2021 Judges Julia Smith Gibbons and Jane Branstetter Stranch rescued the mandate by deferring to the Administration. They say Congress gave OSHA the power to issue emergency orders to protect workers from “grave dangers.” The Labor Secretary merely must find “that employees are exposed to grave danger from exposure to substances…
Working Americans have had trouble this year affording basic needs amid the nation’s soaring inflation rate.
The pandemic has left developing countries vulnerable to tilting further into China’s sphere of influence. The U.S. can’t let that happen.
The U.S. must never abdicate or duck the responsibility to use its influence and the leverage it does have to advocate forcefully for prisoners of conscience and to press for human rights reform.
Lord John Maynard Keynes, progressives’ favorite economist, famously observed: “In the long run, we are all dead.”
By: Joseph Lehman – Laws are made or changed by votes in the legislature. And how do you change the law if you’re not a legislator? You must first change the range of options available to lawmakers. In other words, shift the Overton Window. Joseph Overton (1960-2003) was my friend and colleague. An engineer turned policy wonk, Joe observed two…
Biden is far from alone in his speculation, but there is no evidence at all that ‘climate change’ had anything to do with this storm.
What is behind recent pessimistic appraisals of democracy’s future, from Hillary Clinton, Adam Schiff, Brian Williams and other elite intellectuals, media personalities, and politicians on the Left?