By: The Editorial Board – – August 27, 2021 The jihadist attack on Kabul airport that everyone feared finally happened on Thursday, killing 13 American soldiers and wounding 15, as well as killing at least 90 Afghans and wounding dozens more. The suicide bomber is responsible for the deaths. President Biden spoke for the country Thursday in his expression…
There can no longer be an illusion that the ABA is some sort of politically neutral arbiter of professional standards.
Now that several Democrats in the Texas House of Representatives have returned to the state, providing the House with a quorum, the Legislature intends to move forward with its election integrity bill.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other House Democrats have decided now was a good time to close up shop.
At least 13 U.S. service members were among dozens killed after twin explosions tore through the crowd congregating at the Abbey Gate of Hamid Karzai International Airport in the Afghan capital and a hotel about 200 yards from the gate.
By: David French – – August 24, 2021 Earlier today the Liberty Fund Network published an extended essay I wrote entitled “Can American Liberty Survive American Animosity?” The thesis is relatively simple: While the law of free speech is at a high water mark, the culture of free speech is . . . To see this article and subscribe…
China and its growing circle of friends need to know that the U.S. won’t stand for the current situation. There are consequences for stepping out of line with us.
A president worthy of his office and this nation’s traditions would stay in Afghanistan until we can bring all our people home.
The mission of Understanding the Threat (UTT) is to empower citizens, elected officials and police to dismantle the Marxist/communist and jihadi networks inside the United States and re-establish America’s founding principles in their communities.