In April, President Joe Biden ordered the full withdrawal of remaining U.S. troops from Afghanistan by September 11, 2021, in effect ending America’s longest overseas war; the mission itself is now slated to be over by August 31.
By Steven E. Koonin – – August 10, 2021 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has issued its latest report assessing the state of the climate and projecting its future. As usual, the media and politicians are exaggerating and distorting the evidence in the report. They lament an allegedly broken climate and proclaim, yet again, that we are facing the…
A review of the evidence “Seriously people—STOP BUYING MASKS!” So tweeted then–surgeon general Jerome Adams on February 29, 2020, adding, “They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus.”
Late Wednesday evening, the Loudoun County School Board in northern Virginia voted in a landslide to approve a controversial new policy allowing “transgender” students to use the restrooms and locker rooms of their choice, as reported by Fox News.
Former President George W. Bush perfectly summed up how the political left viewed minorities, particularly black Americans, with his great phrase “the soft bigotry of low expectations.”
By: Dinesh D’Sousa – – August 11, 2021 The United Nations has a new report out by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). This body has been discredited for putting out bogus data and reports that have been called into question because of all kinds of shenanigans, and this latest report is nothing more than a new effort…
The Experts making statements about how dire the climate is have been wrong for decades. They’re still wrong in their new IPCC Climate Assessment Report 6.
While the media frequently obsesses over the redistribution of wealth, they have ignored the Chinese government’s theft of U.S. technology, which has created “the biggest illegal wealth transfer” in world history.
The enabling tool of what we call “cancel culture” or “wokeness” is language. People are put in categories to which names are assigned, and this supposedly captures who they are and what should be done with them politically.
Asked yesterday whether he possesses the authority to impose a national mask mandate on every school in the nation, President Joe Biden offered up a truly chilling answer. “I don’t believe that I do thus far,” he said, speaking from the East Room of the White House. “We’re checking that.”
Did China cause the coronavirus pandemic? On August 24, a report President Joe Biden ordered 90 days earlier from the intelligence bureaucracy about the origin of COVID-19 will be due.