Now the indictment is in from the federal grand jury. The charge is that he lied to the FBI, telling them that he wasn’t representing the Clinton 2016 campaign when he was spreading the false stories about the Trump Organization and a Russian bank.

By: Joseph A. Ladapo – – September 16, 2021 The Covid-19 pandemic has spurred a remarkable stream of scientific investigation, but that knowledge isn’t translating into better public policy. One example is a zealous pursuit of public mask wearing, a measure that has had, at best, a modest effect on viral transmission. Or take lockdowns, shown by research to increase deaths…
When the Supreme Court declined to block a Texas law prohibiting abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, you didn’t have to be a savant of American politics to see what was coming.
Under federal law and DOD regulations, service members have the legal right to seek a religious accommodation from any duty or requirement — including vaccines — that substantially burdens their sincerely held religious beliefs.
The FBI doesn’t care about victims of sexual abuse. When has the FBI had a good press day? it seems like a long time, almost as long as the last Source: It’s Not Hard to See Why the FBI Didn’t Care About Larry Nassar Sexually Abusing Scores of Young Women
Today’s politicians want to spend more on EVERYTHING: Amtrak subsidies, sports stadium subsidies, green energy subsidies, even fossil fuel subsidies.
By: Brent Kendall & Jess Bravin – – September 15, 2021 The Justice Department asked a federal judge to block a restrictive Texas abortion law temporarily while its lawsuit challenging the state’s near-ban on the procedure moves forward. “This relief is necessary to protect the constitutional rights of women in Texas and the sovereign interest of the United States…
If Planned Parenthood’s mission is truly to serve women in need, the Texas Heartbeat Act presents the group with a prime opportunity.
The Supreme Court’s decision to let a Texas abortion law stand returns us to a better standard for protecting the unborn.
The Labor Department reported this week that there are now a record 10.9 million jobs open in America. That’s twice the size of the entire Ohio workforce.
Any Congress worthy of the name in a democracy would open an investigation of General Milley and push for his removal.