By: Charles C. W. Cooke – – August 30, 2021 Two presidents. Fifty states. One-hundred-and-ninety-five countries. A multitude of different approaches. And still, there’s no rhyme or reason to this pandemic. Vaccines help a great deal. That much we know. Beyond that, though, the coverage of the virus has mostly been partisanship and witchcraft. Here, current as of today, is the per-state death…

Fifty years from now, Americans will stare in sad disbelief at the photo of an American Marine plucking a baby to safety over barbed wire at Kabul airport. What a shameful, wretched way to quit a war.
Among last year’s other lessons, none may be more important than this: Our taxpayer-funded education establishment cares more about adults than children.
The Biden Administration’s intelligence community has completed its investigation into the origins of COVID-19. Two of three agencies believe the virus originated in animals and was naturally transmitted to humans, and one agency believes the virus originated in a Wuhan laboratory.
After the horrifying incompetence and political cowardice of Biden’s retreat, what is our Afghanistan policy going to be?
By: The Editorial Board – – August 27, 2021 The jihadist attack on Kabul airport that everyone feared finally happened on Thursday, killing 13 American soldiers and wounding 15, as well as killing at least 90 Afghans and wounding dozens more. The suicide bomber is responsible for the deaths. President Biden spoke for the country Thursday in his expression…
There can no longer be an illusion that the ABA is some sort of politically neutral arbiter of professional standards.
Now that several Democrats in the Texas House of Representatives have returned to the state, providing the House with a quorum, the Legislature intends to move forward with its election integrity bill.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other House Democrats have decided now was a good time to close up shop.