How many more graduations have to be ruined before school officials learn that the First Amendment guards student remarks at graduation? As the Class Scholar for 2021, Ms. Lefler was selected to give a short speech during her school’s Senior Honors Night.
Graduation is a time of celebration, not censorship. Unfortunately, not all public school officials have gotten that message. Elizabeth Turner is a Hillsdale High School senior (MI), and one of the valedictorians speaking at graduation on June 6th.
When President Joe Biden announced the formation of a commission to study the possibility of adding seats to the U.S. Supreme Court, he raised more than a few eyebrows from policymakers and commentators.
By: Gary Bauer – – May 21, 2021 Yesterday a ceasefire was announced between the nation of Israel and the terrorist group Hamas. That’s good news. So, what about President Biden’s role in all of this? First, he had absolutely nothing to do with the ceasefire, in spite of his efforts to act like he brokered it. He did not. In fact, a strong…
Coca-Cola — it’s almost as American as apple pie. I never thought I’d see the day when it was banned, but now I have.
Long Bets calls itself ‘The Arena for Accountable Predictions’. It’s a website that lets soothsayers and prognosticators test themselves by trying to predict the future, gambling for real stakes.
During America’s first-ever national lockdown, thousands of unelected bureaucrats, as well as federal and state governments, assumed enormous powers not usually accorded to them.
I know what you’re thinking: This should be the world’s shortest column, right? If it comes from the “mainstream,” “legacy,” or “corporate” media—whichever term you prefer—it’s probably false.
As the origins of our current moral panic about “white supremacy” become more widely debated, we have an obvious problem: how to define the term “Critical Race Theory.”