There is little evidence that reinstating mask mandates will spur reluctant Americans to go get vaccinated.

I used to look forward to the Olympics. Cheering on the people from my nation as I watched the best of the best compete was a blast. Now, it’s just another platform.
By: Rich Lowrey – – July 25, 2021 He, too, is a racist according to his stupidly reductive premises. Ezra Klein of the New York Times doesn’t usually do brutal takedowns on his podcasts, but his conversation with “anti-racism” guru Ibram X. Kendi is an exception. Rarely has a sympathetic interview, or at least an overtly friendly interview, done more to expose the shallowness and bankruptcy…
\History shows the dangers of suppressing scientific debate—but social media platforms, using public health as a justification, are eroding free speech.
Why are Democrats in Congress staging a series of show hearings to generate support for H.R. 4, “The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act”?
A Politico report finds that moderate and left-leaning parents have their own issues with CRT and public schools.
By: Judy Shelton – – July 25, 2021 An odd notion seems to have taken hold in Washington: that the Federal Reserve’s easy monetary policy is good for workers. Near-zero interest rates are being hailed as the key to higher wages—even as consumer prices are increasing at the fastest pace since 2008. But nominal wage gains are an illusion when inflation…
A year ago, “defund the police” activists were having quite a time. Outlets like CNN and Vox were publishing fawning profiles.
The yard sign says all kinds of things I’d agree with, if not for all its deceitfully magical liberal code words and their hidden messages.