Just when you think the task of collecting taxes could not be more unpopular, the IRS found a way.

Instead, the 3,044 empty seats represented the students who did not graduate this year because they were killed by gun violence.
In the debate over the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in America’s classrooms, the left seems to be relying on two arguments: Critics of the theory don’t know what it is, and teachers are not teaching the theory to their students.
The U.S. National Institutes of Health deleted gene sequences taken from early COVID-19 carriers at the request of Chinese researchers, raising concerns about Beijing’s efforts to conceal information crucial to the virus origin investigation.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Thursday afternoon slammed President Biden for “caving” to his left flank . . .
President Joe Biden wants to triple down—if not quadruple down—on Washington’s borrowing-and-spending spree. How much is that going to cost taxpayers? Maybe more than you think.
CNBC declares and asks, “Covid is already deadlier this year than all of 2020. So why do many in U.S. think the problem’s over?”
By: Betsy Hammond – oregonlive.com – June 16, 2021 A bill to prohibit Oregon schools from requiring students to show they can read, write and do math at a basic high school level is headed to Gov. Kate Brown after lawmakers gave final approval Wednesday. The idea is to hit pause on the requirements, in place since 2009 but already suspended…
Politicians and bureaucrats have decided that they can wave a magic “COVID” wand and make constitutional rights disappear.
A Texas school board has scored an overwhelming election victory to stop “critical race theory” and a new “cultural competence action plan” from being forced into classes.
America’s greatness rests on its long-standing adherence to the enduring principles its Founders wisely memorialized for future generations. The very first of these was religious liberty.