There’s a big push right now among corporate media, Democrats, and NeverTrumpers to establish a narrative that the Republican Party is being torn apart in a bitter civil war between its establishment wing and its supposed QAnon wing. It’s about as true as your garden-variety QAnon conspiracy theory.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said he’s “disappointed” that Dr. Miguel Cardona, President Biden’s nominee for education secretary, is “okay” with “boys competing with girls” in track meets, swim meets, wrestling matches, and other sports arenas.
A Republican leader has decided to take on Big Tech. It’s high time. While other Republican legislators complain and pontificate about Twitter, Facebook and Google’s interference in our elections and censoring of conservative voices, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has declared war on the tech giants.
Senate Republicans will force a number of votes on the floor Thursday to get Democrats on the record regarding a number of controversial issues such as giving relief checks to illegal immigrants and raising taxes on small businesses.
There’s more projection in Washington than in a chain of movie theaters. An excellent example of this is the Left’s relentless attack on “dark money,” cast as a distinctly conservative poison polluting American politics. So goes the hooey.
Planned Parenthood facilities in Texas will no longer receive taxpayer funds through the Medicaid program beginning February 3.
To those asking where we go from here, there must be one conclusion from the right: The counter assault must be sustained. There is no going back.
By: David Harsanyi – – February 3, 2021 Several recent precedents offer House Republicans a clear roadmap on how not to deal with Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (QAnon, Ga.): Under no circumstances should the Republican minority leader appear on glossy magazine covers celebrating the ascendancy of the radicals in the party. That’s an easy one. Don’t mainstream her. Another easy one: Republicans should never elevate anyone who believes that…
People hate America’s big disparities in wealth. It’s a reason why, among young people, socialism is as popular as capitalism.
Cultural Research Center Post-Election Survey: America’s Thirst for Socialism Plummeting in Wake of Election Barna: Democrats’ aggressive marketing of a government-driven culture has dampened the national enthusiasm for socialism Glendale, AZ — The latest findings from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University’s 2020 Post-Election Survey show a sharp and relatively rapid decline in popular support for socialism, with less than a…
Cultural Research Center Post-Election Survey: America’s Thirst for Socialism Plummeting in Wake of Election Barna: Democrats’ aggressive marketing of a government-driven culture has dampened the national enthusiasm for socialism Glendale, AZ — The latest findings from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University’s 2020 Post-Election Survey show a sharp and relatively rapid decline in popular support for socialism, with less than a…