As a progressive who wants to decriminalize drugs and advance the welfare state, I fit in well in my Pacific Northwest community. Except, that is, for my job: I’ve been a big-city cop here for 26 years. Before that, I served in the military. The raging #DefundthePolice movement doesn’t know me and my colleagues at all — and persistent myths…

A lawsuit has been filed seeking permission for Vice President Mike Pence, when Congress counts the Electoral College votes for president on January 6, to decide which slate of electors from contested states are valid.
While members of the House of Representatives usually do not have a say in confirming an incoming administration’s personnel, the Biden team’s decision to name Lloyd Austin as secretary of defense has given them a seat at the table.
When 2020 passes into the history books, it will carry more superlatives than a high school yearbook — and none of them good. Most deadly, hottest, most stressful, worst.
The country this year which has been most ravaged by Covid-19 – losing a shocking 1,600 people in every million to the virus at the time of writing – is Belgium. Source: Lockdown: a deadly, failed experiment – spiked
I am an ER physician married to another ER physician, and COVID-19 has rocked my world. With two small children to care for at home, we had to draw on new skills as we contemplated and prepared for the care of our children should we not survive the disease. Now we are on the precipice of the unfathomable: a vaccine…
Democrats and their liberal economic advisers obsess about income inequality. Will someone please tell them that no act in modern times has widened the gap between the rich and the poor more than the lockdowns going on right now?
Medical bioethics is treacherous territory. At the extreme, it involves a person deciding who should live and who should die. Simply engaging in this calculus is morally damaging, and so, when presented with tough choices, we are better served by simple, maybe even arbitrary, rules rather than complex calculations.
Congressional leaders introduced on Monday a fiscal year 2021 omnibus appropriations bill that would provide $1.4 trillion in spending for government agencies as well as a variety of unrelated legislative provisions.
There was a time where there appeared to be a lot of hope for China and its relations with the West. However, the current Chinese leadership has chosen a course so boldly and clearly, that, barring a major change in policy has put it on course for war with the West.
Now that Joe Biden has won the Electoral College vote, many readers have asked us how lawsuits challenging the presidential results were rejected by dozens of courts. We’ll try to explain a few reasons.