Kamala Harris keeps her mouth shut about the issues for good reason: she’s shallow and has zero grasp of the issues.
Kamala Harris has been riding a wave of positive energy since July that has boosted her favorability, upped her game, and deluged her with fundraising. The surprise, unbidden possibility of victory endowed Harris with a mystique, but the effect may be starting to fade.
By: The Editorial Board – wsj.com – September 8, 2024 The entrepreneur wants to run a commission on government efficiency. Eyes understandably glaze over at the sound of “commission,” which is usually intended to duck a hard issue. The purpose in this case seems to be the opposite—to discover and highlight the countless ways government doesn’t work well, and suggest…
It’s not even Halloween, and the election is two months away, yet the Russian hobgoblins are coming out again to scare all the boys and girls.
First Liberty Institute and Consovoy McCarthy PLLC asked the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit to reverse a lower court decision that upheld a Maine law passed to prevent religious schools from participating in the state’s school choice program due to their religious beliefs. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Crosspoint Church, which operates Bangor Christian Schools…
What are the chances that a President Kamala Harris would resist pressuring social media companies into censorship? Based on her record: Not great.
Huntington Beach is set to sue California for its law requiring school districts to hide a student’s gender identity from his or her parents.
The father of the Apalachee High School shooting suspect has been arrested in connection with the shooting that left four people dead, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
By: The Editorial Board – wsj.com – September 3, 2024 The Justice gives encouragement to partisans who want to politicize the Supreme Court. She cautioned that she was discussing this as a “general matter,” not endorsing any specific plan: “I’m not going to get into commenting on particular policy proposals, but from my perspective I don’t have any problem with…
First Liberty and four former U.S. Attorneys General say the Supreme Court should be a focus issue at the next presidential debate on September 10th. Debate moderators should ask where the candidates stand on court packing and Supreme Court nominations.
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