
November 12, 2020

There’s a lot going around right now among disappointed Republicans about fraudulent or illegal behavior by Democrats in the 2020 election. Donald Trump and his most vocal supporters claim that the election was stolen. There is a disconnect here: Most of the theories of election misconduct, even if proven, would not change the vote totals enough to overturn the outcome….

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November 12, 2020
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperge

By: The Editorial Board – – November 11, 2020 Raising the stakes further is that Georgia is set to hold two Senate runoff elections in January, which will decide which party controls the upper chamber. Senate control will determine the national policy direction for the next two years. Georgia should be assured, going into that political maelstrom, that its new…

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November 11, 2020

By: The Editorial Board – – November 8, 2020 ‘Now we take Georgia, then we change the world. Now we take Georgia, then we change America.” So declared an ebullient Chuck Schumer, the Senate Minority Leader, on Saturday as he addressed supporters, and voters in Georgia should pay attention. The Peach State holds two Senate runoff races on Jan….

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November 10, 2020
HHS Secretary Azar

Who said President Trump didn’t have a health plan? Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar is implementing the president’s healthcare agenda and improving the way health-insurance companies operate by requiring more price transparency. This will likely prove to be the most effective health care reform ever enacted. Source: HHS Secretary Azar Secures Trump Healthcare Victory

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November 10, 2020
Doctor using stethoscope

Who is at the other end of the stethoscope? Sure, it may be your doctor who is listening intently. But who is making the decisions about your care? Is it you and your doctor, or do insurance functionaries have the real say? Anything that comes between the doctor and the patient is bad for health care. Source: The Doctor-Patient Relationship…

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November 10, 2020

Conventional wisdom holds that the progressive dream of Medicare for All died—or at least was deferred—when Joe Biden secured the Democratic presidential nomination. Source: Health Care Is Not a Right – Claremont Review of Books

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November 9, 2020

Here are 31 things a church can do to address domestic violence, from simple to fairly ambitious, from spreading awareness to active involvement. Source: Things A Church Can Do to Address Domestic Violence | Ananias Foundation

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November 9, 2020
Vote Here sign

Just when you thought the 2020 election could not be more bizarre, a hearing in Las Vegas on challenges by the Trump campaign went full Monty Python. After days of charges of fraud, we are finally at that “bring out your dead” moment from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The Trump campaign has been claiming that ballots have been…

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November 9, 2020
joe biden shaking fist

In a stark reminder that elections have consequences, president-elect Joe Biden is planning an immediate flurry of executive actions to undo much of Donald Trump’s presidency after he is presumably sworn into office on January 20, as reported by The Washington Post on Saturday night. Source: Report: Biden Planning Multiple Immediate Executive Actions to Reverse Many of Trump’s Policies

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November 9, 2020
campaigns for working families icon

For decades, the United States has pressured former rogue nations that want to be taken seriously by telling them, “You must have fair and transparent elections.  That is how you get taken seriously as a country.  We would like to monitor your upcoming election.” Source: Friday, November 6, 2020 — A Colossal Embarrassment, Time For Unity, More Jobs | CWF

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November 6, 2020
Counting paper ballots

In the matter of vote fraud, there is law and there are facts. We’ll hear plenty about fraud, but we’ll have to remind ourselves to ask: Did it make a difference? Even if the Trump campaign has potential claims in law, they would collapse if, as a matter of fact, they would not affect the outcome of the race. Source:…

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