
September 18, 2020
Democratic Party Merch in Texas

A national Democratic super PAC is pumping over $6 million in to the fight for the Texas House majority. The group, Forward Majority, plans to spend $6.2 million across 18 races that will likely determine who controls the lower chamber in January, according to an announcement first shared with The Texas Tribune. The money will go toward TV ads, digital…

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September 18, 2020
political-division - portland, OR

For the first time in my adult life, it’s easy for me to foresee the possibility of a genuine constitutional crisis in the United States of America. The scenario is simple. Imagine that either Joe Biden or Donald Trump wins the 2020 election in a close race. There is a surge in voter-suppression claims and mail-in ballot controversies Source: America…

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September 18, 2020
political-division - portland, OR

For the first time in my adult life, it’s easy for me to foresee the possibility of a genuine constitutional crisis in the United States of America. The scenario is simple. Imagine that either Joe Biden or Donald Trump wins the 2020 election in a close race. There is a surge in voter-suppression claims and mail-in ballot controversies Source: America…

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September 18, 2020
etching - US history - slavery - slave auction

America was not conceived in racism. America’s Founders thought slavery was a violation of divine and natural law that needed to be placed on the road to extinction. The compromises in the U.S. Constitution with slavery were put there to ensure the creation of a new system of government powerful enough to eradicate slavery when circumstances permitted. Source: America Was…

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September 18, 2020
Mount Vernon

George Washington was a slaveholder. For some Americans, this is reason enough to exclude our first president from the national pantheon. According to one poll, 18 percent of respondents believe he should be removed from Mount Rushmore. Others expressed themselves by defacing or toppling Washington statues. Are these critics right? Source: Yes, Even George Washington Can Be Redeemed | History News Network

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September 18, 2020
abraham-accords at white-house

After Israel’s resounding victory over the Egyptian, Jordanian, and Syrian armies in 1967, the Jewish state again offered the Arab world peace in exchange for recognition. And it was again rebuffed. Instead, the Arab League convened in Khartoum to formulate a consensus response that became known as “The 3 Noes” — no recognition, no negotiations, and no peace with Israel….

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September 18, 2020
cuties-child actors

Representative Jim Banks (R., Ind.) requested that Attorney General William Barr prosecute streaming service Netflix for “child pornography,” in a letter signed by 33 House Republican colleagues and shared with National Review. Source: ‘Cuties’ Controversy: Republican House Members Ask Attorney General Barr to Prosecute Netflix for ‘Child Pornography’ | National Review

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September 18, 2020
cuties-child actors

Representative Jim Banks (R., Ind.) requested that Attorney General William Barr prosecute streaming service Netflix for “child pornography,” in a letter signed by 33 House Republican colleagues and shared with National Review. Source: ‘Cuties’ Controversy: Republican House Members Ask Attorney General Barr to Prosecute Netflix for ‘Child Pornography’ | National Review

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September 18, 2020
Pro-life rally w signs

This year’s RNC featured some of the strongest and most powerful pro-life voices in American politics. From Abby Johnson’s moving testimony, to Nicholas Sandmann’s pro-life speech and Sister Deirdre Byrne’s religious witness, the Republican Party in 2020 exhibits the courage to unabashedly defend the rights and the dignity of the unborn. Pro-life Americans need to pay attention. In this November’s election, the…

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September 17, 2020
yom-kippur - shophar, Torah, robe

Attorneys representing a California rabbi sent Los Angeles County a letter on Wednesday demanding that they abandon a coronavirus policy restricting in-home gatherings for High Holidays like Yom Kippur. Source: California rabbi’s attorneys weighing legal action over LA County restricting holiday dinners | Fox News

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September 17, 2020
yom-kippur - shophar, Torah, robe

Attorneys representing a California rabbi sent Los Angeles County a letter on Wednesday demanding that they abandon a coronavirus policy restricting in-home gatherings for High Holidays like Yom Kippur. Source: California rabbi’s attorneys weighing legal action over LA County restricting holiday dinners | Fox News

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