Typically, when you’re sick, hurt, or not feeling well, you go to a hospital to see a doctor. In the near future, that won’t necessarily be the case: The United States medical system has become increasingly expensive and too often dangerous to one’s health. Source: Why Hospitals May Soon Become a Thing of the Past
The mayor of Portland and the governor of Oregon might not like it, but President Trump has a winning issue with his federal law enforcement deployments. Source: Why Trump is winning the national policing argument
President Trump recently took to Twitter to demand that the country’s schools reopen in the fall. He has framed the conversation as one that pits fear-mongering Democrats opposed to in-person schooling against Republicans committed to reopening the economy. As public health professionals and parents of school-age children, we urge the country: Ignore Trump. Source: Listen to the science and reopen…
A strange thing is happening in the debate about how to reopen America’s 100,000-or-so schools in the fall. As the political debate is just heating up, the medical and scientific debate is essentially ending. You would not know it watching the news coverage in the mainstream media, and certainly not by following the hysteria and fear-mongering on social media. Source:…
If only mobs were allowed to destroy federal property without consequence. Then there wouldn’t have to be any dispute over federal agents defending a federal courthouse in Portland, Ore.; it could simply be overrun and burned to the ground with no unwelcome resistance from the government. Source: Nancy Pelosi and Democrats have it exactly wrong on feds vs. protesters in…
By: William McGurn – wsj.com – July 20, 2020 When it comes to committing American troops abroad, Donald Trump adheres to the Pottery Barn rule: You break it, you own it. The rule, according to Bob Woodward, was invoked in 2002 by Secretary of State Colin Powell to warn George W. Bush about the consequences of invading Iraq. “You are going…
The rioters were at it in Portland again last night, for the 53 night in a row. They had a group of “moms” out in front before they attacked the federal courthouse again, using a terrorist propaganda move them as a human shield. It’s a common leftist move: anyone they can put up front as “vulnerable” to get the right…
Dr. Damon Friedman is an active duty Lieutenant Colonel in the USAF Special Operations, an Iraq & Afghanistan War Veteran, and he’s on a mission from God, literally! He survived war only to return home with a misunderstanding of his place and purpose, until Jesus gave him his orders. Source: Dr. Damon Friedman: SOF Missions / SURRENDER Only To One – Modern Christian Men
A new report by the International Society for Civil Liberties & Rule of Law claims that attacks by Fulani militants have killed 620 Christians in the first five months of 2020. A recent attack on a Baptist village killed 17 believers in Kaduna State – including an entire family. Greg Musselman spoke with the CEO of Christian Solidarity Worldwide Nigeria,…
For months, through travel bans, economic shutdowns, reopenings, reclosings, mask mandates and more, Democrats have hysterically urged the Trump administration to “listen to the science.” There has been no need for the screaming. After all, President Trump appointed the country’s top medical and disease experts to a task force on February 26. For weeks on end, we heard from these…
This must be our wake-up call, because as Ronald Reagan also admonished, freedom must be fought for, protected, and handed on to our children to do the same, or one day, we’ll be telling our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free. Source: It’s About More Than Toppling Statues. It’s About Toppling…