
August 28, 2020
Police in Riot Gear

American novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald remarked, “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” For poor, often Black, communities, a desire for more policing is not at odds with their cries for humane treatment by the men and women in blue….

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August 28, 2020
Gov. Cuomo, NY

The Democratic National Convention made it clear that one of the party’s primary presidential election themes is that President Trump grossly mismanaged the coronavirus pandemic. As Joe Biden put it in his presidential nomination acceptance speech, the U.S. response has been “[b]y far the worst performance of any nation on Earth.” Source: Would a Democrat have managed the pandemic better? | TheHill

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August 28, 2020
Foster's Outriders

Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Americans united. Al-Qaeda terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.  Americans united. Democrats and Republicans in Congress sang patriotic songs from the capitol steps.  George Floyd dies beneath Derek Chauvin’s knee. Again, Americans unite in universal disgust. Source: America’s Un-Civil War: Secularists vs. Believers | RealClearPolitics

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August 28, 2020
Foster's Outriders

Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Americans united. Al-Qaeda terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.  Americans united. Democrats and Republicans in Congress sang patriotic songs from the capitol steps.  George Floyd dies beneath Derek Chauvin’s knee. Again, Americans unite in universal disgust. Source: America’s Un-Civil War: Secularists vs. Believers | RealClearPolitics

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August 28, 2020
Herschel Walker at RNC

Both during their conventions and outside of them, the Democratic and Republican Parties have shown the American public two visions of our country. And the contrast could not be starker. In order to analyze it, it’s essential to separate facts from spin — particularly media spin, which has been divorced from reality for decades when it comes to Republican politicians…

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August 28, 2020
Donald Trump

A defiant President Donald Trump accepted the Republican nomination for a second term on Thursday with a blistering attack on Democratic rival Joe Biden, asserting that a Biden victory in November would only exacerbate the racial strife and coronavirus pandemic besieging the nation. Source: Trump, in Convention Speech, to Decry Biden, Radical Forces |

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August 27, 2020
US Senate Podium

By: Editorial Staff – – August 26, 2020 The party conventions are focused on the race for the White House, but there’s precious little mention of what is arguably the more important contest: The fight for the U.S. Senate. Whoever holds that majority will determine whether change next year is centrist or radical. This assumes Democrats hold the House, which…

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August 27, 2020
open Bible w cross & flag

The message posted on the front door of the North Valley Baptist Church in Santa Clara, California was jarring. “Cease and Desist.” That’s what the four-page letter read. Source: Government Agents Post ‘Cease & Desist’ Order on Church’s Front Door, Says Singing is Unlawful

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August 27, 2020
Trump campain podium & flags

As the RNC gets ready to kick off night three of their 2020 convention, President Trump is already seeing a bump in his poll numbers. According to a survey from Zogby, Trump is sitting at 52 percent approval. Paul Bedard has the info: Source: The Trump Convention Bump is Already Here

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August 27, 2020
farmer's market

Once again, politicians are bemoaning our system of capitalism, claiming that the solution to economic woes is further expansion of a government-driven social welfare system. Source: Prosperity and Generosity: The Biblical Roots of Capitalism | RealClearReligion

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August 25, 2020
Herschel Walker, former NFL player

The Republican National Convention had a better first night than the Democratic National Convention had any night last week. Here are six quick takeaways. Source: 6 Quick Takeaways From First Night Of Republican National Convention

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