There is a rather vociferous debate raging on the subject of reopening schools. For reasons that are definitely not scientifically supportable (see Phil Kerpen’s excellent takedown over the bullsh** fearmongering about children and Wuhan. Source: The Back-To-School Battle Shows That Public Education Is More About Social Control Than Education

Every four years the American people put the future of the country on the ballot and every four years a variety of issues take center stage as presidential candidates make their case to the American people. In 2020, this election will likely come down to a single word with multiple meanings – SECURITY. Your economic security, the security of you…
n a cancel culture targeting everyone from Confederate to Union generals, Columbus to Winston Churchill, Francis Scott Key to even Abraham Lincoln and all of Mt. Rushmore, and where the racial statements and attitudes of every historical figure are scrutinized, it’s funny who gets a pass. Source: Why Not Cancel Karl Marx? | The American Spectator
So it’s come to this, NBA? After all that slobbery prostration at the feet of Black Lives Matter and so-called “systemic racism”? A routine in-game confrontation between a black player and a white player is cause for the black player to call the white player a “b**ch a** white boy”? Source: Really, NBA? Black Player Calls White Player ‘B**ch A**…
While President Trump’s base is already fired up to vote in November, Democrats spent this week’s Democratic National Convention just trying to get a fire started. Much of the Biden convention was an exercise in base mobilization. There’s a reason for that. A Post-ABC News poll just before the convention showed that while 65 percent of Trump supporters say they are “very…
Laura Loomer, a conspiracy theorist who has promoted religious bigotry, won a House primary election in Florida on Tuesday with 42.5 percent of the vote. Loomer has “zero chance” of winning in November in an overwhelmingly Democratic district that includes West Palm Beach, but her primary victory is still a troubling sign that the virus of conspiracism is spreading in…
Former Israeli mayor on UAE peace deal: ‘Don’t read too much into it’ Source: Former Israeli mayor on UAE peace deal: ‘Don’t read too much into it’ (Fox Business) – David Rubin | The Trusted Voice of Israel
The biggest lie, among many, at the Democratic Party’s Orange Man Bad Fest on Tuesday night was that President Trump did not act aggressively or effectively to save lives from the Chinese coronavirus. Source: Calling Out Democrats’ Lies at Lame Zoom Convention – American Greatness
Millions of Californians have lost power in recent days amid a brutal heat wave, and state regulators warn of more outages in the days and perhaps years to come. Welcome to California’s green new normal, a harbinger of a fossil-free world. Source: California’s Blackouts a Preview of the Green New Deal
It must be nice being adored by the media, who will never challenge former first lady Michelle Obama no matter what she says. But someone should, just to set the record straight. Source: Fact-shaming Michelle Obama’s DNC speech | TheHill
It must be nice being adored by the media, who will never challenge former first lady Michelle Obama no matter what she says. But someone should, just to set the record straight. Source: Fact-shaming Michelle Obama’s DNC speech | TheHill