
August 20, 2020
DNC Speech Michelle Obama

It must be nice being adored by the media, who will never challenge former first lady Michelle Obama no matter what she says. But someone should, just to set the record straight.  Source: Fact-shaming Michelle Obama’s DNC speech | TheHill

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August 20, 2020
DNC Speech Michelle Obama

It must be nice being adored by the media, who will never challenge former first lady Michelle Obama no matter what she says. But someone should, just to set the record straight.  Source: Fact-shaming Michelle Obama’s DNC speech | TheHill

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August 20, 2020
Joe Biden & Kamala Harris

As an observer of conventions and presidential campaigns going back to 1956, I am confident in predicting that this week’s Democratic National Convention will be the high-water mark before the collapse of the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris ticket. Source: Newt Gingrich: Biden-Harris ticket will collapse between now and election due to these 3 factors | Fox News

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August 20, 2020
Israeli & US Flag supporting Pittsburgh

But we should be clear: The first important breakthrough in the Middle East in three decades just took place. And it took place because reality finally set in for Israel’s heretofore enemies: Israel isn’t going anywhere. Perhaps Palestinians will eventually learn the same lesson and peace will truly be possible. Source: The Remaking of the Middle East

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August 20, 2020
Goodyear Blimp half blown up

By: Brandon Morse – – August 19, 2020 Get woke, go broke. While it wouldn’t be fair to say that Goodyear hasn’t gone broke, the sudden four percent dip in its stock price isn’t mysterious. Goodyear’s stock fell because it did something that has often been a detriment to companies with few exceptions. It embraced a social justice message that was…

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August 20, 2020
Kamala Harris speaks at DNC

Without further ado, here’s a recap of the third night. 1. Obama acted like he didn’t try to keep Biden from running So, former President Barack Obama endorsed his former vice president, Joe Biden. Obama said, “Twelve years ago, when I began my search for a vice president, I didn’t know that I’d end up finding a brother.” He failed…

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August 18, 2020
Hydroxychloroquine tablets

More than two years ago, I wrote a column titled “Whatever the Left Touches It Ruins.” I listed eight examples: — The universities. — The arts: music, art and architecture. — Sports. — Mainstream Judaism, Protestantism and Catholicism. — Race relations. — Women’s happiness. — Children’s innocence. — And, perhaps most disturbingly, America’s commitment to free speech. One should now add the sciences. Source: Everything the Left…

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August 18, 2020
Joe Biden & Kamala Harris

Democrats will finalize their 2020 convention platform this week as they get set to officially nominate Joe Biden to take on President Trump in the general election. The platform is described by many Democrats as the most progressive in history, but falls well short of the radical changes Sen. Bernie Sanders’s (I-Vt.) wing of the party has fought for. Still, it…

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August 18, 2020
postal delivery vehicles

The latest five-alarm fire in Washington is over a supposed plot to disfranchise voters centered on the United States Postal Service. Source: Post Office Election Conspiracy Theory Is Baseless | National Review

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August 18, 2020
Austin Police HQ demonstrators

The Austin City Council unanimously voted to cut its police department budget by $150 million on Thursday, after officers and the city’s top cop faced months of criticism over the killing of an unarmed Black and Hispanic man, the use of force against anti-police brutality protesters and the investigation of a demonstrator’s fatal shooting by another citizen. Source: Austin City…

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