By: Daniel Horowitz – – June 15, 2020 Within 35 minutes today at 10 a.m. Eastern, what some thought was the most conservative Supreme Court of all time concocted a fundamental right to transgenderism in the context of labor law, erased the Second Amendment, and interfered with a state death penalty case, but declined to interfere with a California law that criminalizes law…
By: Aila Slisco – – June 16, 2020 Increasing numbers of Houston residents have reportedly been diagnosed with COVID-19 after attending protests against the death of George Floyd. Large protests began in the city days after the death of Houston native Floyd, an unarmed black man who died while police custody in Minneapolis, Minnesota on May 25. Texas has…
By: Debbie Wuthnow – – May 31, 2020 COVID-19 has dominated every aspect of our lives, and in fact, it’s even revealing why the upcoming elections matter. At iVoterGuide, we hope these six reasons will encourage you in your passion for our country’s government. Reason #1: COVID-19 reminds us that elected officials can make life and death decisions. In America, “we the…
By: David Marshall – – June 13, 2020 As flames, tear gas, and rifle-fire convulsed American cities, New Yorker reporter Isaac Chotiner sat down with Black Lives Matters co-founder Opal Tometi for an upbeat and uncritical interview. I have twenty less softball-ish questions I’d like to ask Ms. Tometi and her co-founders Patrisse Cullors and Alicia Garza, if they can…
By: Frank Gaffney – – July 19, 2019 On July 3rd, the Washington Post published an Open Letter under the headline “China is Not an Enemy”. It sharply criticized President Trump’s robust approach to the strategic challenges posed by the Chinese Communist Party and recommended a return to the policy of “engagement” practiced by previous U.S. administrations and with which many of the…
By: Sam Rohrer – – June 1, 2020 With a police station burned in Minneapolis, calls for the National Guard and a nation in turmoil after the death of George Floyd, American Pastors Network President Sam Rohrer says the unrest has revealed America’s ongoing moral problem. “In the absence of moral restraint, sin begets sin,” Rohrer said. “The very word ‘sin’…
By: David Krayden – – June 11, 2020 Seattle police say they are not responding to calls for assistance while reportedly armed protesters operate checkpoints and have declared a portion of the city as “cop-free” and an “autonomous zone.” The area is called the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) by the forces who have occupied it, KOMO News reported Thursday…
By: Chris Marquette – – June 10, 2020 Speaker Nancy Pelosi is calling for the removal of 11 Confederate statues from the Capitol’s National Statuary Hall Collection. In a letter sent on Wednesday, Pelosi asked the Joint Committee on the Library — led by Senate Rules and Administration Chairman Roy Blunt, a Missouri Republican, and House Administration Chairwoman Zoe Lofgren, a…
By: Zachary Evans & John Loftus – – June 11, 2020 Editor’s Note: A wave of “cancellations” has swept the U.S. Compiled here is a list of people, monuments, and artistic works that have been the targets. The events are listed in reverse chronological order, although some incidents do overlap. This list will be updated as the cancellations continue. Please send…
By: Lathan Watts – – May 29, 2020 Readers of FLI Insider are likely more aware than most of the legal battles being waged across the country to preserve the right of every American, no matter their faith tradition, to live according to their most sacred beliefs. Still, the cultural aspect of preserving this foundational principle provides the context in which…
By: John Stossel – – June 10, 2020 Deaths from COVID-19 are dropping, but we probably can’t resume normal life until someone develops a vaccine. Experts say it will take at least 12 to 18 months. Why so long? Because to make sure a vaccine works, researchers must recruit lots of volunteers and wait for them to get sick….