Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas announced its plans to open an abortion facility in Lubbock, Texas, after initially keeping the project hidden. Planned Parenthood has utilized this tactic before, discreetly building abortion centers within communities before the neighborhoods can voice objections. Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas operates out of 23 locations in the state, but there have been suspicions dating…

The political convention season is underway. On Monday, Democrats will stage a mostly virtual national convention from Milwaukee, where former Vice President Joe Biden will accept his party’s nomination for president. The following week President Donald Trump will be nominated by the GOP for a second term. Source: Republicans must control pandemic, Democrats need vision beyond anti-Trump crusade as election…
The political convention season is underway. On Monday, Democrats will stage a mostly virtual national convention from Milwaukee, where former Vice President Joe Biden will accept his party’s nomination for president. The following week President Donald Trump will be nominated by the GOP for a second term. Source: Republicans must control pandemic, Democrats need vision beyond anti-Trump crusade as election…
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden selected California Sen. Kamala Harris to be his 2020 running mate, prompting the Susan B. Anthony List to dub the duo the “most pro-abortion ticket” in U.S. history. Source: Kamala Harris Adds Abortion Extremism To Democratic Presidential Ticket
Pitched battles for control of state legislative chambers are attracting unheard-of sums of money as Democrats and Republicans home in on once-overlooked elections that will determine which party holds power for the next decade. Source: Democrats, GOP fight high-stakes battle for control of states | TheHill
Pitched battles for control of state legislative chambers are attracting unheard-of sums of money as Democrats and Republicans home in on once-overlooked elections that will determine which party holds power for the next decade. Source: Democrats, GOP fight high-stakes battle for control of states | TheHill
By: Virginia Kruta – – August 13, 2020 Media reports on the coronavirus pandemic have been largely negative, but despite the gloomy updates —and forecasts of even more impending doom — there are a number of positive developments that haven’t gotten prominent coverage. Here are just a few of the positive discoveries and developments that have flown under the…
Media reports on coronavirus have been largely negative, but there are positive developments that haven’t made splashy headlines or been placed above the fold. Source: 4 Big Positive Things The Media Won’t Tell You About Coronavirus | The Daily Caller
The dreadful death of George Floyd lit a fire that threatens to burn down America’s cities. Already losing population before the pandemic, our major urban centers have provided ideal kindling for conflagration with massive unemployment, closed businesses and already rising crime rates. Source: The Twilight Of Great American Cities Is Here. Can We Stop It? | The Daily Caller
These ongoing protests in American cities are anything but peaceful, but they are driven by a variety of factors. Recently a group of young aspiring anarchists attempted to take their Antifa tactics into a peaceful neighborhood. They were prevented from doing so, however, by several armed citizens who told them, firmly, to turn around. The whining that ensued was delicious,…
If you’ve ever made the mistake of signing up for campaign emails from Democrats, if only out of morbid curiosity, you are inundated with requests for money from every candidate and cause under the Sun. … lately emails from these groups have all hit on one specific issue – “saving the post office.” Source: Democrats Sure Love the Post Office