Decent Americans who are feeling perplexed today shouldn’t be ashamed about it. There is good reason to be perplexed. On the one hand, in the name of health and safety, we are being asked by the government to compromise personal freedoms that we have always taken for granted: going to work, going to church, sending our children off to school,…

Center for Disease Control Director Robert Redfield said in a Buck Institute webinar that suicides and drug overdoses have surpassed the death rate for COVID-19 among high school students. Redfield argued that lockdowns and lack of public schooling constituted a disproportionally negative impact on young peoples’ mental health. Source: CDC Director Compares Rate of Suicides to COVID-19 Deaths
INFRASTRUCTURE & TECHNOLOGY Issued on: July 29, 2020 On Monday, the Department of Commerce, as directed by President Donald J. Trump’s Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship, filed a petition to clarify the scope of Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act. The petition requests that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) clarify that Section 230 does not permit social…
Attorney General William Barr staunchly defended the use of federal law enforcement officers in cities facing violent riots during a Tuesday hearing before the House Judiciary Committee. Source: ‘Is That Ok?’: Barr Slams Democrats Downplaying Rioters Using ‘Projectiles That Have Penetrated Marshals To The Bone’ | The Daily Caller
By: Michael Brendan Dougherty – – July 2020 Whether Donald Trump hangs on for four more years, or turns the White House over to Joe Biden, his first term has exposed a tremendous danger to the office of the president. Unfortunately, that danger is the White House itself, and the larger executive branch around it. The elected president is in peril…
In a few short years Black Lives Matter (BLM) has influenced blacks more than black Christians have. This explains the outrage over George Floyd’s homicide by former officer Derek Chauvin, and the deafening silence over high black abortion rates and black-on-black murders. BLM ignores real issues hurting black communities because black Christians do. Source: 6 Reasons Black Christians Must Denounce…
The pastor and elders of a prominent evangelical church in California issued a statement on Friday explaining why they will no longer comply with the state’s mandate ordering them to refrain from in-person gatherings. John F. MacArthur, the 81-year-old senior pastor of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, also claimed that the state had […] Source: ‘Compliance Would Be…
The Washington Redskins have announced that after 87 years they will change their name. The team’s name and logo have long been targeted as offensive to some, and understandably so. Recent events created the momentum to make it happen. Will it stop there? Maybe not. Source: ‘Redskins’ Is Gone, But Changing ‘Washington’ Would Be a Much Bigger Job
During the tumultuous summer of 1969, two Black musicians accused the New York Philharmonic of discrimination. Earl Madison, a cellist, and J. Arthur Davis, a bassist, said they had been rejected for positions because of their race. Source: To Make Orchestras More Diverse, End Blind Auditions – The New York Times
Ten years ago I published an article called “No More Crying ‘Spanish Flu,’ ” in part because with every pandemic or potential pandemic that’s exactly what public health service gurus and the media were doing. And in part because the comparison to the 1918–19 flu was always ludicrous, based not on science but primal fear. Source: Fauci Finally, Falsely, Invokes…
A large majority of Americans support states imposing face mask mandates punishable by fines or jail time, according to the latest Morning Consult poll released Wednesday. Source: Morning Consult Poll: Majority Back Mask Fines or Jail |