Over the years 1934-1961, British historian Arnold Toynbee published his 12-volume “A Study of History.” Toynbee studied the rise and fall of 23 civilizations. His conclusion was that great civilizations die not from external causes but from internal causes.
By: The Editorial Board – wsj.com – August 20, 2024 There’s a reason voters don’t see Trump as a unique threat to democracy. But then why do polls show that voters are more or less equally split on which party most threatens democracy? Partisanship is one answer. But so is the fact that over the last eight years Democrats have…
By: Rich Lowry – nationalreview.com – August 21, 2024 Can they really make this work? It is appropriate that Kamala Harris is from the town of Oakland, Calif., of which it was famously said there was no there there. It is hard to think of another presidential nominee who has felt so utterly superficial — not as a campaign tactic,…
Join Kevin Freeman and energy expert Jacki Deason as they explore the complexities of American energy independence and the challenges posed by current policies.
The first Democratic National Convention I attended was in San Francisco in 1984. UN Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick indelibly labeled attendees “San Francisco Democrats,” because of their left-leaning policies.
By: The Editorial Board – wsj.com – August 19, 2024 Its platform offers a vision where the answer is always government. What Kamala Harris will do if she wins the White House in 77 days is still mostly an open question, since she leapfrogged the primaries and didn’t have to argue over policy with any Democratic competitors. But for one…
It was supposed to be Joe Biden’s night. It ended up being a late-night lecture into the early morning hours.
Former President Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, a flawed female candidate, in 2016, in part because he fought for every battleground state.
The hard-to-imagine events of recent months, including the felony convictions of one president, the abrupt end of another’s campaign, and the surge of the vice president make this the most improbable political season in memory.
By: Dan McLaughlin – nationalreview.com – August 19, 2024 Democrats may regret wasting the campaign rollout/honeymoon period by never having Harris talk to the press or take questions from voters. Since Kamala Harris was awarded the Democratic presidential nomination less than a month ago, her campaign has ridden a wave of relief and “vibes” to an increasingly strong position in…