By: 1st Liberty Staff – – March 19, 2020 We are in the midst of global pandemic. And as a result, our federal, state, and local officials have responded by posing restrictions on the number of people that can gather in one place-in some areas the limit is as few as 10 people. Restaurants, coffee houses, and movie theaters have…
By: Shane Pruitt – – September 5, 2019 Often, when you hear an “expert” speak or write about reaching a particular generation, it will inevitably be someone from an older generation. For example, you’ll have a Baby Boomer or Generation X’er talking about how to connect with Millennials or Gen Z. In no way am I saying this is an…
BY: Matt Smethurst – – March 12, 2020 It’s now clear that COVID-19 is a deadly serious global pandemic, and all necessary precautions should be taken. Still, C. S. Lewis’s words—written 72 years ago—ring with some relevance for us. Just replace “atomic bomb” with “coronavirus.” In one way we think a great deal too much of the atomic bomb. “How are…
By: Christopher Cadelago – – March 17, 2020 “Workers need to continue to get a paycheck even when their businesses are shut down,” he said, calling it unacceptable that people would lose their homes or have utilities shut off. The coronavirus has upended the race, forced the candidates to isolate themselves from voters. Biden and Sanders are now regularly…
By: Nancy Cook & Ben White – – March 17, 2020 Facing a warning of 20 percent unemployment without action, officials are pushing urgently for a trillion-dollar economic aid package. It also generated widespread anger that banks and bankers got bailed out while ordinary citizens received far less. The Trump administration is well aware of this history and taking…
By: Jim Geraghty- – March 16, 2020 As a country, we’ve got our hands full right now. But while we’re sitting in various forms of self-quarantine, we — and a lot of other people around the world — will have a lot of time to read about the Chinese government destroying samples and suppressing information about the coronavirus in December:…
By: Melissa Jeltsen – – March 17, 2020 Last week, Joe Nelson, a physician who provides abortions in Texas, felt a tickle in his throat. Then he started coughing. His temperature soared. On Monday, at his doctor’s office, he tested negative for the flu. Unable to obtain a coronavirus test there, he is now self-quarantining for 14 days. In a…
By: Tony Morgan – – February 25, 2020 You can’t reach the next generation of young adults without being a church for young adults. That’s right. The 1990s called, and they want their Sunday services back. I just counted them up. Last year the team at The Unstuck Group conducted “secret shopper” experiences at 65 different churches across the country….
“for… there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11 What if Jesus hadn’t been born? Have you ever thought of that? What would the world be like if Jesus never came – what would you and I be like if there never was a Jesus; the Savior of … Source: Aren’t we glad…
Matt Vespa – – March 17, 2020 The markets are crashing. The NHL season is over. Professional tennis has been postponed. Professional golf—The Masters—has been postponed. The NBA season is over. The MLB season is delayed indefinitely. Globally, this virus has infected over 180,000 people, with a little over 7,500 deaths. In the U.S., there have been 4,800 reported…
By: Victor Davis Hanson – – March 17, 2020 Its bad behavior in the wake of COVID-19 will leave it in its weakest global position in memory. And the U.S. will emerge stronger. Sometime in late November the Chinese Communist Party apparat was aware that the ingredients of some sort of an epidemic were brewing in Wuhan. Soon after, it was also…