
May 14, 2020
Obama meeting with investigating team

By: John Daniel Davidson – – May 13, 2020 When former president Barack Obama told supporters last week that the Justice Department’s decision to drop the case against former White House National Security Adviser Mike Flynn is a “threat to the rule of law,” he was relying wholly on the fiction, willingly propagated for years by a pliant media, that the…

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May 14, 2020
Obama, speaking from the white house

By: Ben Shapiro – – May 13, 2020 This week, former President Barack Obama reemerged from hibernation to lecture Americans about the threat to rule of law posed by the Trump administration. After Attorney General William Barr announced that the Department of Justice would be dropping its case against President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who had…

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May 13, 2020

By: Andrew Stiles – – – May 12, 2020 The $3 trillion coronavirus relief package unveiled by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) and her Democratic colleagues on Tuesday contains only 20 mentions of “diversity.” That’s a significant reduction compared with the 32 times the word “diversity” appeared in the relief package Pelosi introduced in March, which was several hundred pages shorter…

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May 13, 2020

By: Stephen Harper – – May 12, 2020 In the response to the coronavirus pandemic, leftists see a model for the future. “Not only will America need a massive dose of big government to get out of this crisis,” one wrote, “but we will need big, and wise, government more than ever in its aftermath.” As a conservative, I’m going to…

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May 13, 2020
Nancy Pelosi press conference

By: Cristina Marcos – – May 12, 2020 House Democrats unveiled an 1,815-page, $3 trillion coronavirus relief package on Tuesday that includes a grab bag of Democratic priorities and is intended to put pressure on Republicans to start negotiations on help for workers and local governments. Lawmakers are expected to vote on the bill on Friday, but it is…

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May 12, 2020
Scientists work in a lab testing COVID-19 samples

By: The Editorial Board – – May 11, 2020 As governors consider how to ease their lockdowns, they might take a moment to read a pair of unanimous opinions this month from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. They rebuke the idea of giving office parks greater pandemic leeway than churches. A March order by Kentucky Governor Andy…

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May 12, 2020
Scientists work in a lab testing COVID-19 samples

By: John McCormack – – May 11, 2020 We’re still nowhere close to herd immunity. A study of nearly 6,000 Major League Baseball employees found that just 0.7 percent tested positive for antibodies present in individuals who have recovered from coronavirus infections. Important news up front for baseball fans: The study doesn’t really have any bearing on MLB plans to…

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May 12, 2020
e Neguse Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Establish

By: Congressman Van Taylor and Congressman Joe Neguse – – April 29, 2020 WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Van Taylor (R-TX-03) and Congressman Joe Neguse (D-CO-02) announced the introduction of a bill establishing a Federal Commission to address the current shortcomings of the Strategic National Stockpile. Congressman Van Taylor (R-TX-03) said, “COVID-19 has presented an unprecedented threat and has impacted every facet of…

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May 11, 2020
Trump - Xi Jinping Sidebyside

By: Curtis Ellis – – May 6, 2020 President Trump repeatedly has called on companies to move their factories out of Communist China. He imposed tariffs after determining the Chinese government was illegally subsidizing the production of those goods. Companies responded by asking the president to lift the tariffs, parroting the Chinese Communist party line. Then the coronavirus came along and exposed…

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May 11, 2020
Inauguration of Trump

By: Jason Killmeyer – – May 10, 2020 In the recent popular memory of many of those who engage in pop politics, we think back to the transition between Bill Clinton and George Bush and the removal of the “w” keys from staffer’s keyboards after a contentiously determined election. That was contrasted by the mutual comity between W and President Obama,…

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May 11, 2020
Hospital workers in Hazmat care for patient

By: Alex Hakim – – May 8, 2020 My father-in-law recently asked me if it is hard to see hospitals and death in film because their depictions are so inaccurate. Yes, it can ruin the realism for me and make me cringe. Then I realized that just watching the news or press conferences these days are giving me the same feeling. Everyone…

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