
May 12, 2020
e Neguse Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Establish

By: Congressman Van Taylor and Congressman Joe Neguse – – April 29, 2020 WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Van Taylor (R-TX-03) and Congressman Joe Neguse (D-CO-02) announced the introduction of a bill establishing a Federal Commission to address the current shortcomings of the Strategic National Stockpile. Congressman Van Taylor (R-TX-03) said, “COVID-19 has presented an unprecedented threat and has impacted every facet of…

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May 11, 2020
Trump - Xi Jinping Sidebyside

By: Curtis Ellis – – May 6, 2020 President Trump repeatedly has called on companies to move their factories out of Communist China. He imposed tariffs after determining the Chinese government was illegally subsidizing the production of those goods. Companies responded by asking the president to lift the tariffs, parroting the Chinese Communist party line. Then the coronavirus came along and exposed…

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May 11, 2020
Inauguration of Trump

By: Jason Killmeyer – – May 10, 2020 In the recent popular memory of many of those who engage in pop politics, we think back to the transition between Bill Clinton and George Bush and the removal of the “w” keys from staffer’s keyboards after a contentiously determined election. That was contrasted by the mutual comity between W and President Obama,…

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May 11, 2020
Hospital workers in Hazmat care for patient

By: Alex Hakim – – May 8, 2020 My father-in-law recently asked me if it is hard to see hospitals and death in film because their depictions are so inaccurate. Yes, it can ruin the realism for me and make me cringe. Then I realized that just watching the news or press conferences these days are giving me the same feeling. Everyone…

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May 8, 2020
Masked person with gloves carries 2 plastic shopping bags

By: John Stossel – – May 6, 2020 Recently, many politicians were in such a hurry to ban plastic bags. California and Hawaii banned them, then New York. Then Oregon, Connecticut, Maine, and Vermont passed laws against them. More than 400 cities did, too. Why? Because plastic bags are evil, didn’t you know? “Look at the damage done by…

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May 8, 2020
Film maker Michael Moore

By: Paul Driessen – – May 06, 2020 Never in my wildest dreams did I envision a day when I’d agree with anything filmmaker Michael Moore said – much less that he would agree with me. But mirabile dictu, his new film, Planet of the Humans, is as devastating an indictment of wind, solar and biofuel energy as anything I have…

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May 8, 2020
NY Mayor Cuomo

By: Betsy McCaughey – –  May 06, 2020 Across the nation, protesters are taking to the streets and business owners are filing lawsuits objecting to the coronavirus shutdown rules. As the rules drag on, they’re causing job losses, bankruptcies and a feeling that people have no rights. The liberal media are labeling the protesters “virus deniers.” Don’t fall for that….

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May 8, 2020
Former U.S. national security adviser Flynn leaves court house

By: Tobias Hoonhout – – May 7, 2020 The Justice Department has moved to withdraw its case against former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn, citing “newly discovered and disclosed information,” according to a new court filing. The move, first reported by The Associated Press, comes less than an hour after the top prosecutor on the case, Brandon Van Grack,…

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May 7, 2020

By John Solomon – – May 6, 2020 In a packed hearing room two months into Donald Trump’s embattled presidency, Rep. Adam Schiff played the willing protagonist by dramatically reading into the congressional record some of the most explosive claims from Christopher Steele’s dossier. At the time, Steele’s dossier had recently burst on the scene, and the Trump White…

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May 7, 2020
Lone woman in mask on train platform

By: Glenn Harlan Reynolds – – May 6, 2020 The novel coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, also known as COVID-19, is still spreading around the world. Even now, there are many things we don’t know: How fatal will it turn out to be when all the numbers are crunched? Did it escape from a Chinese lab? Can we make a vaccine?…

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May 7, 2020
man with flag in front of Lansing, MI capital

By: Brandon Morse – – May 6, 2020 California Governor Gavin Newsom recently said that “we’re not going back to normal.” This infuriated me to no end, not just because I wholly disagree, but because he’s not saying it out of a sense of precaution or scientific fact. According to the Daily Wire, Newsom said it in regards to…

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