By: Alex Parker – – March 2, 2020 President Donald Trump speaks with Pastor Franklin Graham after a funeral service at the Billy Graham Library for the Rev. Billy Graham, who died last week at age 99, Friday, March 2, 2018, in Charlotte, N.C. (AP Photo/Chuck Burton) Last week was a week of prayer at the White House. Both…
By: Rich Lowry – – March 3, 2020 Once upon a time, Bernie Sanders would have had another political vulnerability besides his socialism — namely, his atheism. In 2016, a DNC staffer had to apologize after the WikiLeaks hack exposed an email he wrote that suggested using Bernie’s atheism against him in the primary. This year, Bernie’s religion or lack…
By Emily Larsen & Joseph Simonson – – March 01, 2020 The 2020 Democrat is set to return to his home state on Sunday night, where he is expected formally to announce the end of his White House campaign, aides confirmed. Buttigieg, the youngest candidate in the Democratic presidential field at 38, skyrocketed from the nationally unknown mayor of South Bend,…
This paper seeks to elevate the biblical gospel because of its inherent power to change lives, while keeping it separate from human programs and social action, which, although important, are different endeavors. Source: Integral Mission – Is Social Action Part of the Gospel? | Fellowship International Mission
By: Ken Harrison – – February 18, 2020 When I was nineteen, I got a job at an underage nightclub working as a doorman. I had walked with the Lord my whole life, so this job was getting me an education in a world with which I was completely unfamiliar. The club was in a rough area of town, and…
By: Guy Benson – – February 28, 2020 Amid the partisanship, fear-mongering, and political jousting, what do Americans really need to know about Coronavirus — which appears to be spreading significantly beyond its initial containment inside the United States? There are relatively few active steps people can take in preparation, though basic steps like frequent hand-washing are sensible. Here’s…
By: Alexandra Desanctis – – February 27, 2020 Earlier this week, 41 Democratic senators successfully filibustered the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would require doctors to provide standard medical care to infants who survive attempted abortion procedures. Contrary to Democratic claims, the bill is neither unnecessary nor redundant. Abortion survivors are not a fiction invented by the pro-life movement. No…
By: Elizabeth Vaughn – – February 27, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden makes a point during a Democratic presidential primary debate, Friday, Feb. 7, 2020, hosted by ABC News, Apple News, and WMUR-TV at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, N.H. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola) An Associated Press fact check shows Biden and Bloomberg both lied about President Trump’s…
By: Kassie Dulin – – February 25, 2020 In recent years, local and state governments have forced numerous faith-based adoption and foster care agencies out of business because of their religious beliefs about marriage. While some of those agencies closed with little protest, Catholic Social Services chose to fight back in the courts. Catholic Social Services filed a lawsuit alleging that…
By: The Editorial Board – – February 26, 2020 The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals broke no new legal ground last week when it reversed its earlier decision ruling that a cross erected on a public park in Pensacola, Fla., had to go. But it carries the message that the so-called Lemon legal test that has long governed interpretations…
By: Jason Hopkins – – February 26, 2020 The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the White House can withhold funds from sanctuary cities, delivering a victory for President Donald Trump’s fight with jurisdictions that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities. The Trump administration is legally allowed to withhold millions of dollars in federal law enforcement…