By: Dennis Prager – – April 21, 2020 According to The New York Times coronavirus report, as of Sunday, April 19, 2:48 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, there were 35,676 COVID-19 deaths in the United States. Of those deaths, 18,690 were in the New York metropolitan area. (The New York metropolitan area is generally regarded as consisting of the five boroughs…

By: Victor Davis Hanson – – April 19, 2020 Americans are acquainted with predictable but ultimately failed progressive efforts to suppress free expression by preemptive invective and politically correct finger-pointing. To believe that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers revealed too many contradictions, too many lacunae, too many episodes of timely amnesia, and too many unsubstantiated accusations in their testimonies…
By: Eric Mack – – April 21, 2020 President Donald Trump announced a temporary immigration ban Monday that a conservative-leaning poll from three days ago found had 70% support among voters, The Washington Times reported. “Seventy percent of registered voters believe the federal government should place a temporary ban on allowing people from any other country to enter the United…
By: Peter Leithart – – April 15, 2020 Is the world under judgment? Is COVID-19 the kind of “pestilence” Yahweh warns of when He says, through Jeremiah, that Judah will be plagued by “sword, famine, pestilence”? It’s hard to read it any other way. An individual illness is a trial; a worldwide pandemic is of a different order. A burglary is…
By: Leah MarieAnn Klett – – March 30, 2020 Influential pastor Tony Evans warned that “our anxiety, worry, and fear is outpacing the problem of the virus.” “Worry and fear have a way of transferring very quickly from to other people,” Evans, senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, said in a sermon on Sunday. “I think…
By: José Andrés – – April 20, 2020 But what do you see in thousands of cars outside a food bank in San Antonio? Or cars lined up for hours outside supermarkets in Puerto Rico when people heard about food and water deliveries after Hurricane Maria? I am a cook. Over the past few years, I have learned a lot by…
By: Stephen Hays – – February 11, 2020 Michael Perron is one of my sponsors in recovery. He is also a minister who created and runs the Life Recovery Program at Prestonwood Baptist Church. This program has been very influential in my recovery and was instrumental in saving my life from addiction and mental illness. Michael himself struggled for over…
By: Robin McKie, Toby Helm, & Michael Savage – – April 18, 2020 Humanity will have to live with the threat of coronavirus “for the foreseeable future” and adapt accordingly because there is no guarantee that a vaccine can be successfully developed, one of the world’s leading experts on the disease has warned. The stark message was delivered by David…
By: Everett Piper – – April 18, 2020 “I fear death, so take my liberty!” The biggest threat to the United States today is not a virus, but rather “virus-shaming.” The greatest challenge the American experiment faces in this dark hour is not our need for safety but our loss of liberty. And the complicity of the church in the wholesale…
By: Staff – – April 19, 2020 Governors in U.S. states hardest hit by the novel coronavirus sparred with President Donald Trump over his claims they have enough tests and should quickly reopen their economies as more protests are planned over the extension of stay-at-home orders. New York continued to see hospitalizations decline to 16,000 from a high of…