By: Kayla Brantley – – April 11, 2020 Surgeon General Jerome Adams has been met with outrage by the black community for using phrases like ‘abuela’, ‘big momma’ and ‘poppop’, while pleading for minorities to not drink or smoke and follow the government’s guidelines to slow the spread of the coronavirus . ‘We need you to do this if not for…

By: Washington Free Beacon Editors – – April 10, 2020 Temporarily consigned to their homes, liberal commentators and politicians have fallen back on a favorite time-wasting activity: America bashing. Rachel Maddow eagerly tracks America’s lead in infections. The Center for American Progress blithely accepts the claims of dictatorships in order to diss the president. When the United States acknowledged more COVID-19…
By: George Gilder – – April 12, 202 The conceit that everyone must bow to ‘science’ is not only undemocratic but dangerous in its own right. The U.S. economy has been cratered less by the coronavirus than by the response to it—driven by the undemocratic idea that “science” should rule, even when much of the science and the data behind…
By: John Stossel – – April 8, 2020 Two weeks ago, President Donald Trump signed the largest stimulus bill in U.S. history: more than $2 trillion. For once, both Republicans and Democrats agreed. The Senate voted 96-0. The House didn’t even bother with a formal vote. At the White House, a reporter asked the president, pointing out that the…
By: Kyle Smith – – April 8, 2020 When masks would have helped us fight coronavirus early, our supposed betters misled us. When the stakes are highest, the truth counts the most. Or maybe when things get really serious, that’s when the people really can’t be trusted with the truth. It’s pretty clear which of these two ideas is the…
By: Zeke Miller, Deb Reichmann, & Mike Stobbe – – April 9, 2020 In a first, small step toward reopening the country, the Trump administration issued new guidelines Wednesday to make it easier for essential workers who have been exposed to COVID-19 to get back to work if they do not have symptoms of the coronavirus. Dr. Robert Redfield,…
By: Matt Walsh – – April 6, 2020 On Saturday, police in Kansas City “intervened” to shut down a parade of elementary school teachers. The staff of John Fiske Elementary School decided to organize the parade as a way to boost the morale of their students and encourage them in their new distance learning adventure. All of the teachers and administrators…
By: Adam Rogers – – April 6, 2020 On any digital dashboard tracking the spread of Covid-19, on any graphic comparing country-by-country case curves or death tolls, they were the champs. Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea—leaders there saw what was headed their way from China in the early days of the new coronavirus, before it became a pandemic….
By: Victor Davis Hanson – – April 6, 2020 Standards for pessimists, standards for optimists In A. A. Milne’s classic Winne-the-Pooh children’s tales, Eeyore, the old gray donkey, is perennially pessimistic and gloomy. He always expects the worst to happen. Milne understood that Eeyore’s outbursts of depression could at first be salutatory but then become monotonous. The outlook of…
By: Dennis Prager – – April 7, 2020 A statement widely attributed to the great British thinker G. K. Chesterton describes the modern period as perfectly as any single idea can: “When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing; they believe in anything.” One of these substitute gods has been nature. Indeed, of all the false…
By: William J. Bennett & Seth Leibsohn – – April 6, 2020 As you know, the coronavirus—if you catch it, and get very sick—is a terrible thing to go through and you may even die. The virus and the fear of it are sorely testing our medical capacity in some places. And the body count will get much worse this week,…