By: Wesley J. Smith – – September 19, 2019 I wrote the other day about the intention within bioethics to destroy Catholic healthcare. Today, a court ruling from California proves my point. A Catholic hospital known as Dignity Health refused to perform a hysterectomy on a transgendered male, as against Catholic moral teaching. The patient sued for discrimination, but the case…
By: Ryan Anderson – – October 6, 2019 Does a 50-year-old law banning discrimination based on sex mean employers must treat biological men who identify as women as if they are women? That’s the question the Supreme Court will consider Tuesday when it hears arguments in Harris Funeral Homes v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The Supremes’ answer could have enormous implications…
By: Shannon Bream & Bill Mears – – October 4, 2019 The Supreme Court agreed Friday to hear a challenge to a controversial Louisiana abortion law, with a decision on the politically and socially charged issue expected in the middle of a presidential election year. At issue is a state statute requiring doctors performing abortions to have admitting privileges at a…
By: Madeleine Jacob – – September 27, 2019 In October, the father of a seven-year-old boy whose mother is trying to “transition” him into a girl has a final chance in court to save his son. Jeff Younger has been fighting not to lose custody of his twin sons, James and Jude, while being accused of child abuse by his ex-wife Anne…
By: Hans A. von Spakovsky – – October 4th, 2019 The propaganda, surveillance, and censorship of Big Brother in George Orwell’s novel “1984” has now arrived in New York. The city’s Commission on Human Rights recently released new legal enforcement guidelines that ban the use of the term “illegal alien” by employers, housing providers (including hotels), and law enforcement as “discriminatory.” Violators can be…
By: Hans A. von Spakovsky – – October 4th, 2019 The propaganda, surveillance, and censorship of Big Brother in George Orwell’s novel “1984” has now arrived in New York. The city’s Commission on Human Rights recently released new legal enforcement guidelines that ban the use of the term “illegal alien” by employers, housing providers (including hotels), and law enforcement as “discriminatory.” Violators can be…
By: Thomas Lindsay, Ph.D. – – May 31, 2019 Too many students feel afraid to speak honestly on campus for fear of offending someone, a new national survey of college students says. University censorship regimes are teaching some students not only to live with but to embrace the conformism of thought inculcated through university speech codes, speaker dis-invitations, “safe spaces,” “trigger…
By: Erica Komisar – – September 20, 2019 Women’s empowerment is usually equated with paid work outside the home. That’s a mistake. Assuming that women who choose to stay home and nurture their young children are powerless or unenlightened is not only insulting but dangerous. A woman’s value isn’t only a matter of how much she can earn, and women’s…
Yesterday I ruefully reflected that most of my worst fears are coming true. The rich, powerful, vindictive and media-savvy LGBT lobby is throwing its weight around. It’s trying to force Christian schools to hire public sinners engaged in public scandals. Namely, those legally committed to the deadly sin of Sodom, by the words of a same-sex “marriage.” Humans, Dignified? Which…
But did she wake up just in time or too late? In these times of near civil war, Americans agree on almost nothing. Yet sometime in 2019, almost all of America finally got “woke” on China. For years, our leaders had yawned about Silk Road neo-imperialism in Africa and Asia, and gross abuses of human rights against Chinese religious minorities…
Kerby Anderson discusses historians’ perspectives on the rise and fall of nations, concluding with a biblical perspective. He finds civilizations which depart from Christian values are on the road to irrelevance. He considers factors which may lead to the decline of this nation’s position as the only world super-power. He points out the relationship between moral and spiritual decline and…