By: First Liberty – – June 13, 2019 Today, in a 7-2 decision, the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States preserved the nearly 100-year old Bladensburg WWI Veterans Memorial, along with memorials like it bearing religious symbols across the country. Most importantly, in The American Legion v. American Humanist Association, the Justices reaffirmed that the First Amendment…
By: Gregg Re – – June 18, 2019 President Trump formally launched his 2020 re-election campaign Tuesday night before a jam-packed crowd in Orlando’s Amway Center arena, and quickly unloaded on the media organizations and government actors he said tried their hardest with “everything they had” to bring down both his candidacy and presidency. To chants of “USA,” Trump took the stage after…
By: Rich Lowry – – June 18, 2019 It’s not exactly breaking news when AOC says something indefensible, but she outdid herself in an Instagram video last night by calling U.S. immigration facilities at the border “concentration camps”: Ryan Saavedra ✔ @RealSaavedra Her defense was that “concentration camps” is a simply a term for facilities holding masses of people without trial….
By: Congressional Newsroom – – June 13, 2019 After hearing from constituents at his Coffee with your Congressman Event, U.S. Congressman Van Taylor (TX-03) introduced legislation to provide more certainty and protections to parents traveling with baby supplies such as breast milk and formula. H.R. 3246, the Traveling Parents Screening Consistency Act aims to ensure the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) consistently…
By: Rachel Frazin – – June 16, 2019 Former Vice President Joe Biden on Sunday called for equal pay for the U.S. women’s national soccer team. “Good luck to the @USWNT as they take on Chile!” Biden, who is currently running for president, tweeted Sunday. “As we cheer them on in the World Cup, we must support their fight off…
By Rachel Alexander – – June 16, 2019 Go on Twitter. It started as a cussing match. Then turned into a fight. Now it’s turning into a brawl. Prominent conservatives are attacking each other. Some of them are the brightest minds in the movement. They should be working together, not tearing each other down. True, Twitter brings out the worst in…
By: David French – – June 17, 2019 Today, Parkland-shooting survivor Kyle Kashuv tweeted that Harvard University had rescinded his admissions offer after it discovered that he’d made offensive, racist comments in a private online chat when he was 16 years old. I’m not going to repeat what he said, but no one disputes that his comments were egregious and wrong….
By: Derek Hunter – – June 16, 2019 Candidates for office have a long history of promising the sun, the moon, and the stars to get votes, and the higher the office, the bigger the promises. Of course, the bigger the promises, the bigger the disappointment when they inevitably don’t deliver on them. But what one Democrats running for president is dangling in…
By: Robert B. Charles – – April 24, 2019 Imagine that Russia – or China – wanted to hit Americans where it would hurt. What would they do? How could they most efficiently undermine America’s ability to stay strong? The best way would be to undermine us physically. That would also be fastest. But how? One way would be to promote drug abuse,…
By: Staff – – June 14, 2019 The Japanese owner of the Kokuka Courageous, one of two oil tankers targeted near the Strait of Hormuz, said Friday that sailors on board saw “flying objects” just before it was hit, suggesting the vessel wasn’t damaged by mines. That account contradicts what the U.S. military said as it released a video Friday it…
By: Lathan Watts – – April 8, 2019 As Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi leads House Democrats closer to passage of the so-called Equality Act, Americans may get a rare but necessary object lesson on the system of checks and balances established in our Constitution. Proponents of the Equality Act claim it will “make America fairer.” But as the Heritage Foundation has explained,…