By: Sonja Sharp – – May 22, 2019 Beverly Hills has long been anything but a smoker’s paradise. The city was the first in California to ban smoking inside restaurants and most public places, back in 1987, and added outdoor venues to the list in 2007. Now it is poised to enact what officials say is the most stringent tobacco…

By: Christopher Jacobs – – May 21, 2019 In response to various abortion legislation enacted in Alabama, Georgia, Missouri, and other states, the left has called for a national day of protest on this Tuesday. The groups calling for the protest object to “Donald Trump’s anti-choice movement.” The groups know of which they speak. The left wants to prohibit choice in medicine,…
By: Staff – – April 24, 2019 For many years, Kaiser Family Foundation has been tracking public opinion on the idea of a national health plan. Our polls have shown a modest increase in support for the idea of a national health plan (Figure 1) but relatively stable support for the federal government doing more to help provide health…
By: Staff – – February 27, 2019 Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), a co-chair of the Medicare for All Caucus, released a bill today that would adopt a single-payer system, where the federal government replaces private health insurance companies as the sole provider of most health care financing. While we are not aware of any estimates of this particular proposal,…
By: Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar – – May 21, 2019 The “Medicare for All” plan embraced by leading 2020 Democrats appears more lavish than what other advanced countries offer, compounding the cost but also potentially broadening its popular appeal. The plan from Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders would charge no copays or deductibles for medical care, allowing only limited cost-sharing for some…
By: Merrill Matthews & Mark Litow – – January 13, 2013 Thanks to mandates that take effect in 2014, premiums in individual markets will shoot up. Some may double. Health-insurance premiums have been rising—and consumers will experience another series of price shocks later this year when some see their premiums skyrocket thanks to the Affordable Care Act, aka ObamaCare….
By: Merrill Matthews & Mark Litow – – January 13, 2013 Thanks to mandates that take effect in 2014, premiums in individual markets will shoot up. Some may double. Health-insurance premiums have been rising—and consumers will experience another series of price shocks later this year when some see their premiums skyrocket thanks to the Affordable Care Act, aka ObamaCare….
By: Marie Patino – – May 20, 2019 Uneasiness and pessimism abound among the majority of the world’s population. Deloitte has released its Global Millennial Survey of 13,416 Millennials (born between 1983 and 1994) spread across 42 countries and 3,009 Gen Z respondents (born between 1995 and 2002) from 10 countries. The firm has conducted the survey for the past…
By: Janet Adamy & Paul Overberg – – May 19, 2019 American millennials are approaching middle age in worse financial shape than every living generation ahead of them, lagging behind baby boomers and Generation X despite a decade of economic growth and falling unemployment. Hobbled by the financial crisis and recession that struck as they began their working life, Americans born between…
By: Charisse Jones – – May 20, 2019 The blockbuster announcement by billionaire Robert F. Smith that he will pay off the student loans held by Morehouse College’s entire graduating class of 2019 hit a nerve for a couple of reasons. Besides being incredibly generous, many college grads could benefit from such a gift, or at least a little financial relief….
By: Charisse Jones – – May 20, 2019 The blockbuster announcement by billionaire Robert F. Smith that he will pay off the student loans held by Morehouse College’s entire graduating class of 2019 hit a nerve for a couple of reasons. Besides being incredibly generous, many college grads could benefit from such a gift, or at least a little financial relief….