By: David Brooks – – May 7, 2019 On Monday I was honored to speak to the graduating students at Arizona State University. It was an intimidating occasion. A.S.U. is the most innovative university in the world. Plus, there were 35,000 people in the football stadium. Anybody speaking to college students these days is aware of how hard it is…

By: Jeffery M. McCall – – May 8, 2019 The Federal Communications Commission has the opportunity to address a sham that has been foisted on television viewers for over two decades. The Commission is currently preparing a report to Congress about how well the television content ratings system works. This should be a brief document and need only read,…
By: Tim Winter – – August 22, 2018 Shiny and powerful, Netflix is the entertainment industry’s Trojan horse — a seeming gift for families, allowing parents some control over what their kids can watch. In reality, what Netflix delivers should give parents extreme pause. In just over 20 years, Netflix has gone from being a relatively small-scale DVD sales and rental company…
By: Jarrett Stepman – – April 10, 2019 A full-blown war is raging against the Electoral College. But as activist groups become more desperate to overturn our way of electing presidents before voters go the polls in November 2020, their arguments become more absurd and hyperbolic. CNN recently ran a preposterous segment suggesting that James Madison called the Electoral…
By: Ryan Scott Bomberger – – April 30, 2019 Liberal activists just hate it when people can speak freely. Those who incessantly accuse others of “hate speech” are, themselves, haters of speech. So-called social justice warriors can’t handle it when people have a different and well-informed opinion. So, if you can’t (intellectually) beat ‘em, smoke ‘em out. That’s what happened at…
By: David Catron – – May 9, 2019 What do Stacey Abrams, Hillary Clinton, and Kamala Harris have in common beyond their party affiliation and delusional presidential aspirations? They are actively promoting a conspiracy theory about a nationwide voter suppression scheme they claim has already cost the Democrats key contests in 2018. Harris became the latest to join the chorus…
By: Megan McArdle – – July 3, 2018 The extent to which Roe v. Wade has come to dominate American politics can be found in the anguished cries that followed the announcement of Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s retirement from the Supreme Court. There are other issues that people care about, but Roe forms the centerpiece of any discussion about what a post-Kennedy court might look…
By: John Solomon – – May 9, 2019 The FBI’s sworn story to a federal court about its asset, Christopher Steele, is fraying faster than a $5 souvenir T-shirt bought at a tourist trap. Newly unearthed memos show a high-ranking government official who met with Steele in October 2016 determined some of the Donald Trump dirt that Steele was simultaneously digging…
By: David French – = May 9, 2019 The Democratic party’s current war on Attorney General William Barr is one of the most misguided, misplaced bursts of outrage that I’ve seen during the first term of the Trump administration. Barr protected the Mueller investigation, he went above and beyond legal requirements to release Mueller’s report to the public, and…
By: First Liberty Institute – – March 6, 2019 First Liberty Institute today sent a letter to Manchester (NH) VA Medical Center (“MVAMC”) officials affirming their decision to display a Bible donated by a WWII veteran. The letter was sent by First Liberty on behalf of its client, the Northeast POW/MIA Network, the veterans service organization that originally included the Bible in…
By: Jim Geraghty – – May 8, 2019 Making the click-through worthwhile: The hilariously ironic implications of Joe Biden’s current polling boost continues and he goes on to win the Democratic nomination; Kamala Harris and the question of what kind of Democrat can win in the Midwest; some news that will probably influence your choice for lunch; and an appeal…