By: Matthew Continetti – – February 1, 2019 I’m not a Democrat—in case you haven’t noticed—but Howard Schultz is. And Schultz isn’t one of those Blue Dog, Southern or Midwestern, conservative Democrats either. He’s from Seattle, holds liberal positions on, as far as I can tell, every issue, and has donated gobs of money to the Democratic Party and…
By: Nicholas Phillips – – February 1, 2019 Few Americans identify as fiscally conservative and socially progressive. So why does Howard Schultz think such a platform will win him the presidency? Howard Schultz, the former CEO of Starbucks, is preparing to run for president. But he’d like you to know that he would be no ordinary candidate — he…
By: Rabbi Yaakov Menken and Lathan Watts – – January 29, 2019 Modern armed forces must contend with that which is euphemized as “collateral damage.” Every military is expected to do its utmost to reduce harm to innocent civilians and is condemned if it is negligent in this regard. A similar standard must apply in our quest for universal human…
By: Rabbi Yaakov Menken and Lathan Watts – – January 29, 2019 Modern armed forces must contend with that which is euphemized as “collateral damage.” Every military is expected to do its utmost to reduce harm to innocent civilians and is condemned if it is negligent in this regard. A similar standard must apply in our quest for universal human…
By: Jenny Beth Martin – – January 30, 2019 Visit to Mexico tells the truth about American border security Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer says he wants the Statue of Liberty to be the symbol of America rather than a border wall. It is no doubt a catchy message, it is clearly misleading. Let us start with a…
By: Amie Parnes – – January 31, 2019 Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz is enduring a rocky presidential rollout. Schultz, who announced Sunday that he is considering a White House run as an independent, has faced an onslaught of criticism by Democrats who have criticized his wealth and slammed him for offering a candidacy they say could hand President Trump…
By: Brandon Morse – – January 31, 2019 When New York passed its shocking law that allows a baby to be given a lethal injection up to birth the media, so loud about abortion news, suddenly began dancing around the issue like the story was a live mine. As highlighted by the Media Research Center on Tuesday, the mainstream…
By: Mike Pence – – January 31, 2019 Look at how far the Democratic party has fallen. This week, a delegate to the Virginia state legislature introduced a bill affirming abortion up to the moment of birth. In shocking testimony, the delegate admitted that even when it was obvious that a child was about to be born — in…
By: Ramesh Ponnuru – – January 30, 2019 Laws permitting abortion up to the point of birth follow naturally from the country’s expansive abortion regime. Democrats are increasingly explicit in their support for killing unborn children at any stage of pregnancy — and sometimes even of denying normal medical care to born children. In New York state, Governor Andrew Cuomo…
By: Erin Griffith – – January 26, 2019 Never once at the start of my workweek — not in my morning coffee shop line; not in my crowded subway commute; not as I begin my bottomless inbox slog — have I paused, looked to the heavens and whispered: #ThankGodIt’sMonday. Apparently, that makes me a traitor to my generation. I…
By: Lukas Mikelionis – – January 29, 2019 Christian woman on death row in Pakistan acquitted Pakistan’s Supreme Court upheld the acquittal of a Christian woman who was sentenced to death for blasphemy, ruling that she is now free to leave the country where she’s facing death threats. Asia Bibi previously spent eight years on death row before being…