By: Tom Gilson – – May 2, 2019 Surveys and pundits keep saying that people dislike evangelicals’ involvement in politics. Frequently it’s framed as a problem with our witness for Christ. Onlookers claim that more people would actually come to faith in Him if evangelicals would quit doing so much politicking. But I’ve got a question: Could someone explain to me…

By David French – – May 2, 2019 Whenever we hear news of a mass shooting, we expect the shooter’s life to follow a certain kind of biographical script. Perhaps he’s long suffered from mental instability. Perhaps he’s from a troubled home, with a long history of suspect behavior. Deprived of purpose and meaning, he’s drawn to dark thoughts and evil…
By: Guy Benson – – May 2, 2019 In a pair of house editorials that echoed a number of my central themes and points from yesterday, the right-leaning editors of the Wall Street Journal and National Review defended Attorney General William Barr from the Left’s scurrilous and desperate attacks against him, lambasting Democrats for their hysterical overreach. And with the…
By: Chelsea Brown – – May 1, 2019 I’m a post-abortive woman. I know how hard it is to toe the line between regret and repentance for abortion, and compassion and wisdom for those who have had abortions, too. Abortion is sold to women as a quick fix. It will free them of the burdens that motherhood would potentially impose…
By: Jonah Goldberg – – May 1, 2019 The National Rifle Association has big troubles. It’s wildly in debt. The attorney general of New York — where the NRA was founded in 1871 and where it remains incorporated — is investigating the tax-exempt status of what she has called a “terrorist organization.” The NRA’s longtime chief executive, Wayne LaPierre, is…
By: Paul Kengor – – April 3, 2019 Last week I did one of my routine exercises in my Marxism course at Grove City College. In that class, we scour everything on Marx and various strains and offshoots of Marxism. We read all sides — true liberal learning, real diversity, genuine academic pursuit of truth. At this conservative college, we…
By: Sarah Lee – – April 30, 2019 David Reaboi with the Security Studies Group said it best on Twitter Tuesday morning: David Reaboi✔ @davereaboi If we had a media, this would be really big news. … 1:00 AM – Apr 30, 2019 The story, which, as Reaboi implies, is somewhat difficult to find outside this report from The…
By: Jonathan Easley – – April 30, 2019 Former Vice President Joe Biden has surged in the polls since launching his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, opening up a double-digit lead over the rest of the field in two new national surveys. A CNN poll released Tuesday found Biden jumping 11 points to 39 percent support, a 24-point…
By: Dennis Prager – – April 30, 2019 Last week, The New York Times published a cartoon so anti-Semitic that Bret Stephens wrote in his Times column that it was “an image that, in another age, might have been published in the pages of Der Sturmer.” Der Sturmer was the Nazis’ major anti-Semitic newspaper. A Times columnist charging the Times…
By: Ben Shapiro – – April 30, 2019 This week, the New York Times got itself into hot water for printing a blatantly Jew-hating cartoon in its international edition. The cartoon depicted Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu as an elongated dachshund, a Star of David hanging around his neck, leading a fat, blind, yarmulke-wearing Donald Trump through the streets. The…
A candlelight vigil is held at Rancho Bernardo Community Presbyterian Church for victims of the shooting at the Congregation Chabad synagogue in Poway, San Diego, Calif., April 27, 2019. (John Gastaldo/Reuters) By: Jim Geraghty – – April 29, 2019 Some will look at this weekend’s Poway synagogue shooting and argue that it reflects an anti-Semitism problem. (They aren’t wrong, either: Judging by…