By: Ross Douthat – – April 23, 2019 The murderous radicals who set off bombs and killed hundreds on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka chose their targets with ideological purpose. Three Catholic churches were bombed, and with them three hotels catering to Western tourists, because often in the jihadist imagination Western Christianity and Western liberal individualism are the conjoined…

By: Trais Fredschun – – April 23, 2019 The Easter Sunday attacks on churches, hotels and other sites across Sri Lanka that killed over 300 people have now spurred some lawmakers to call for a full burqa ban. A bill was announced Tuesday on the Facebook page of UNP Parliamentarian Ashu Marasinghe to propose banning the burqa in Sri…
By Rich Lowry – – April 23, 2019 Impeachment has a long history in Anglo America, yet it is widely misunderstood. The collusion fantasy has officially given way to the impeachment fantasy. The passionate investment of the Left in the Mueller investigation had much to do with shock and disbelief at Donald Trump’s victory in 2016 and the hope…
By: Brad Slager – – April 22, 2019 Okay everyone, today is Earth Day, which means one thing: WE ARE DOOMED! Hey, don’t scream at me, this is the consensus of the scientific community. Welllllll — in actuality, it is the consensus of the media covering the scientific community, but this is serious stuff! As long as you don’t analyze their…
By: Dennis Prager – – April 23, 2019 Sometimes, a few sentences tell you more about a person — and, more importantly, an ideology — than a learned thesis. That is the case with tweets from Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama two days ago in response to the mass murder of more than 300 Christians and others in Sri Lanka….
By: Matthew Continetti – – April 20, 2019 Hollywood is filled with remakes and reboots. Washington is about to get one of its own. The re-launched property: the 2016 campaign. You know the plot. An outsider with grassroots support leads a crusade against the party establishment and the legitimating institutions that bestow credibility upon a candidate. He’s old, white, been around for…
By: D.G. Hart – – January 31, 2019 If you are on the lookout for wickedness, you have lots of targets in contemporary America. Human trafficking makes millions — and enslaves millions — in our nation each and every day. Violent crime regularly ends lives, as does medical malpractice and drug abuse. Yet you wouldn’t know it based on the headlines…
By: Louis Casiano, Stephen Sorace, Lucia I. Suarez Sang – – April 21, 2019 A pair holding U.S. and British nationalities were among the 11 foreigners killed after a series of explosions struck three churches and three luxury hotels in and just outside of Sri Lanka’s capital Easter Sunday, leaving at least 207 people dead and 450 others injured, officials said….
By: Staff – – April 18, 2019 The report on the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election is available to the public. To see the 448-page report in pdf format click here or go to The partially redacted version of the report prepared by special counsel Robert Mueller was released today by Attorney General William Barr….
By: Kimberly Amadeo – – March 28, 2019 The U.S. debt is the sum of all outstanding debt owed by the federal government. On February 11, 2019, it exceeded $22 trillion. It passed the milestone of $21 trillion on March 15, 2018. The U.S. Treasury Department’s “Debt to the Penny” shows the current total public debt outstanding. This figure changes every…
By: Ramesh Ponnuru – – April 16, 2019 Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, is one of the many candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination. But that’s not his only long-shot bid. He also wants to claim Christianity for contemporary progressive politics. “Christian faith is going to point you in a progressive direction,” he told USA Today. Even…