By: The Editorial Board – – July 15, 2024 His choice of the 39-year-old Senator reinforces his base, rather than appealing to a broader coalition. “After lengthy deliberation and thought, and considering the tremendous talents of many others, I have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of Vice President of the United States is Senator…
Ronald Reagan’s legend began after he was shot. With his doctors soon to operate, he quipped, “I hope you’re all Republicans.” He told his wife, “Honey, I forgot to duck.” The coolness reinforced his image as America’s new leading man.
As we all sit here stunned watching the footage of the attempted assassination of President Trump, it really is a time for reflection. Are we contributing to this atmosphere of hatred and violence?
By: The Editorial Boarad – – July 12, 2024 Democrats fear defeat in November, but the bigger threat is the next four years. Thursday evening’s press conference was a microcosm of their self-induced peril. The President showed no sign of political retreat, or introspection, and he was just coherent enough to prevent a wholesale flight from his candidacy. Yet…
By: Philip Klein – – July 14, 2024 Even if it doesn’t change polls, it will change political calculations. It’s awful to think about politics in the face of a tragic shooting that resulted in one death, multiple injuries, and the near-assassination of a former president and soon-to-be Republican nominee, Donald Trump. With that said, the attempted assassination of…
By: Dan McLaughlin – – July 11, 2024 The current Republican Party should’ve taken notes from Abraham Lincoln when writing the party platform plank on abortion. [There’s a lot to dislike in the 2024 Republican Party platform’s one-paragraph plank on abortion:] 4. Republicans Will Protect and Defend a Vote of the People, from within the States, on the Issue…
One way to measure the power of conservative policy proposals is to monitor the reaction of the left. The Heritage Foundation’s ideas for the next conservative president to implement must be good because liberals are hysterical in their opposition.
Dems will be forced to explain why they oppose the SAVE Act, which requires documentary proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections.
By: Barton Swaim – – July 10, 2024 When people said he seemed unwell, Democrats called it a Republican ploy. That was a costly mistake. Any mildly observant person could see four years ago that Mr. Biden had declined further than a commander in chief should. These pages noted Mr. Biden’s diminished state during and after his 2020 campaign….
After 50 years of using the bad legal precedent, America is in a new era of freedom. Because of Coach Kennedy’s win, courts must decide religious liberty cases through the lens of a “history and tradition” test.
Dr. James Dobson Condemns Biden Administration’s Policies in Urgent Open Letter: “Systematically Destroying the Hopes and Dreams of the American People” COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — Dr. James Dobson and his ministry leadership sent an urgent open letter to President Joe Biden, condemning his administration’s grievous policies that are systematically destroying the hopes and dreams of the American people. President Biden is facing…