
March 7, 2018
Pres. Trump - tariffs

By: Pat Buchanan – – March 06, 2018 From Lincoln to William McKinley to Theodore Roosevelt, and from Warren Harding through Calvin Coolidge, the Republican Party erected the most awesome manufacturing machine the world had ever seen. And, as the party of high tariffs through those seven decades, the GOP was rewarded by becoming America’s Party. Thirteen Republican presidents…

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March 7, 2018
.S. President Barack Obama

By: David French – – March 7, 2018 By successfully asserting the primacy of federal law over state law before the Supreme Court, Obama’s DOJ may have thwarted California’s attempt to ‘resist’ Trump administration immigration policy. American political parties have an enduring and deeply cynical love/hate relationship with federalism. When the opposing party occupies the White House, the Founders’…

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March 7, 2018

The article highlighted gains in pro-life sentiment among young adults. By: Michael J. New – – February 1, 2018 Earlier this week, the Washington Post blog “The Fix” featured an article by Eugene Scott highlighting gains in pro-life sentiment among young adults. Scott cites a January 2017 Quinnipiac poll, which found that 18-to-34-year-olds were more likely than other age demographics…

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March 7, 2018

Will divisive debates about public policy break America apart? By: Kerby Anderson – – March 7, 2018 Will divisive debates about public policy break America apart? David French fears that could happen with the current debate and dissension over gun control. He wrote about it after the CNN town hall on gun control, but it could just as easily…

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March 6, 2018
Nancy Pelosi

By: Micaiah Bilger – – MAR 1, 2018 As pro-abortion as Nancy Pelosi is, she also is not afraid to stand up to the radical pro-abortion lobby. When NARAL and other pro-abortion groups began demanding that the Democratic Party only support pro-abortion candidates, Pelosi pushed back, saying Democrats can be pro-life. Then, this week, Pelosi endorsed one of the…

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March 6, 2018
Donald Trump

Planned Parenthood Slams President Donald Trump: “He’s Responsible for an Unprecedented Assault” on Abortion By: Lauretta Brown – – March 2, 2018 Planned Parenthood is going on the offensive for the upcoming midterm elections. The nation’s largest abortion provider announced Thursday that they are focusing their efforts on eight states with competitive races in a $20 million midterm campaign,…

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March 6, 2018
Donald Trump

Planned Parenthood Slams President Donald Trump: “He’s Responsible for an Unprecedented Assault” on Abortion By: Lauretta Brown – – March 2, 2018 Planned Parenthood is going on the offensive for the upcoming midterm elections. The nation’s largest abortion provider announced Thursday that they are focusing their efforts on eight states with competitive races in a $20 million midterm campaign,…

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March 6, 2018

Feminists are Angry That Abortion is Not Considered a Human Right By: Steven Ertelt – – March 1, 2018 It would seem the killing unborn children in abortion would be the ultimate denial of human rights. But feminists around the world think that abortion should be considered a human right. They are not content to legalize abortion, they want…

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March 6, 2018

Planned Parenthood is targeting midterm election campaigns in key states to push progressive candidates across the finish line. By: Marie Solis – – March 1, 2018 Planned Parenthood Votes and Planned Parenthood Action Fund is making a hefty investment in defeating anti-choice candidates in the upcoming midterm elections, announcing Thursday a $20 million campaign called “March. Vote. Win.” The…

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March 6, 2018
Pregnancy Test Stick

By Garrett Kell – – February 28, 2018 In the summer of 1998, a friend and I spent an evening together. A few weeks later she told me she was pregnant, and it was mine. Neither of us expected it, and neither of us felt ready to raise a child together. We were not in love and thought it…

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March 6, 2018
Trump on Tariffs

Trump: I’m Not Backing Down on Tariffs By: Katie Pavlich – – March 05, 2018 Speaking at the White House Monday afternoon during a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Donald Trump said he isn’t backing down on issuing tariffs for imported steel and aluminum. “We’re not backing down,” Trump said, adding tariffs can be negotiated through…

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