By: JTA – – June 1, 2018 US President Donald Trump named Gary Bauer, the Washington director of Christians United for Israel, to the US Commission on International Religious Freedom. “We have seen a disturbing rise in anti-Semitism and persecution of Christians around the world, but especially in the Middle East,” Bauer, a veteran of top Education Department posts…
By: Timothy Meads – – July 29, 2018 In the latest efforts to rectify America’s history of its slaveholding past, Austin’s Equity Office suggested that the Texas capital change its entire name in addition to removing statues and street signs in honor of Confederate soldiers. Austin, TX is named after Stephen F. Austin. The man, now known as the…
By Michael Gryboski – – July 28, 2018 First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas, the megachurch headed by Pastor Robert Jeffress, will be celebrating its 150th anniversary on Sunday. Originally founded on July 30, 1868, the church that began with 11 members now has approximately 12,000 people on its membership roll. FBC Dallas is planning to hold a special…
By Wycliffe Associates – – current MAST (Mobilized Assistance Supporting Translation) training is available to empower the global church to draft their Bible in months rather than years. The pilot program took place in 2014. Since that time, God has opened doors to expand its influence. MAST is also being developed to address oral language needs, deaf translation work,…
By: Michael Brendan Dougherty – – July 29, 2018 I suspect we’re in for a massive economic disruption soon, probably moving very quickly from a downturn in real estate to the financial sector. It’s sometimes destabilizing to consider that it is your personality that determines your thoughts. I suspect that one reason I’m a conservative is that I’m just…
By: Ryan Moore – – July 24, 2018 I’d hated guns since I was a teenager. It was a gun that killed John Lennon, after all. Guns killed President John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King. Get rid of the guns, problem solved—or so I thought. In December of 2012, I even tweeted President Barack Obama,…
By: Chris Johnson – – July 26, 2018 With August fast approaching, U.S. Senators would customarily leave Washington for their annual break, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is holding them in session for votes on President Trump’s judicial nominees — many of whom would likely threaten LGBT rights if confirmed. The Washington Blade has highlighted five nominees that…
By: Stephen Dinan – – July 26, 2018 Forget the Russian government — foreign nationals are increasingly gaining the ability to influence American elections more directly. They’re being granted the right to vote. From Boston, where the city council is debating the move, to San Francisco, where noncitizens gained the right earlier this month in school-board elections, jurisdictions are…
By: Mike Berry – – July 24, 2018 “Did I break the law?” That was the heart-breaking first question Konnor McKay asked us after an out-of-state group of agitators sent a bullying letter to a school district—all because McKay had shared inspirational remarks with his former high school football team. McKay grew up in Arkansas watching Waldron High School’s…
By: Bob Unruh – – July 26, 2018 The transgender agenda in public schools, which insists a person’s sex is a subjective matter based on feelings, took a huge step forward this week with a federal judge ruling boys must be allowed to use girls’ rest rooms and showers, and vice versa. U.S. District Court Judge Marco Hernandez in Oregon…
By: Masood Farivar – – July 26, 2018 This week the Trump administration is hosting an international summit in Washington aimed at advancing religious freedom around the world. Government representatives say the event showcases the link among freedom of worship, human rights and economic prosperity. “America stands for religious freedom not only because it is the morally right thing…