
February 1, 2017

This week, the Trump administration botched the rollout of a relatively moderate immigration and refugee executive order that would have paused immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries for a set period of time and ended Syrian-refugee immigration indefinitely. Instead of vetting the executive order or coordinating with the relevant agencies, the Trump team simply unleashed it, leading to widespread chaos at…

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February 1, 2017

WASHINGTON — For the White House, President Trump’s first nomination to the Supreme Court is partly about getting the chance to make a second. In tapping Judge Neil M. Gorsuch for an open seat, Mr. Trump chose a candidate with the potential to reassure Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, the swing vote who holds the balance of power on the court,…

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February 1, 2017

Donald Trump should push the nuclear button. No, not the one that launches actual nuclear weapons. I mean the one that blows up Democratic obstruction to his Supreme Court nominee and puts a reliable conservative on the court to replace justice Antonin Scalia. There is no reason for Trump and Senate Republicans not to go nuclear. Senate Democrats have already…

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February 1, 2017

As British Prime Minister Theresa May becomes the first foreign leader to visit President Trump, it is a good time to consider that Margaret Thatcher, much more than Ronald Reagan, is the real model for the Trump presidency. Trump’s inaugural address last Friday had the directness and confrontational tone of a Thatcher speech. The president was clear that he stood…

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February 1, 2017

Now these tensions, which have simmered behind the scenes, are spilling out into the open. On Monday, march organizers revoked so-called partnership status – a kind of official recognition — for a Texas anti-abortion group, New Wave Feminists. (Ms. Sarsour called the initial decision to include the group “a mistake.”) Many anti-abortion women like Ms. Lyon are simply staying home….

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January 31, 2017

President Trump’s temporary ban on entry into the U.S. by various categories of aliens has caused a firestorm. That owes in part to the rash implementation of perfectly legal restrictions, but the hysteria is out of proportion to the minimal harm actually done. One of the most dismaying parts of the debate has been the banter over whether Trump has…

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January 31, 2017

To read the online commentary, one would think that President Trump just fundamentally corrupted the American character. You would think that the executive order on refugees he signed yesterday betrayed America’s Founding ideals. You might even think he banned people from an entire faith from American shores. Just look at the rhetoric. Here’s Chuck Schumer: If you thought only Senator…

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January 30, 2017

I’m beginning to get a sense of what it was like to be alive in ancient times when a marauding warlord melted down your village’s golden calf. Weeping. Gnashing of teeth. Rending of garments. Wearing of vagina hats. Their god failed to protect the village, and now he’s a bracelet on the warlord’s wrist. It’s pathetic, really, the emotional reaction…

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January 30, 2017

Legal experts say that Congress can overrule Obama regulations Todd Gaziano on Wednesday stepped into a meeting of free-market attorneys, think tankers and Republican congressional staff to unveil a big idea. By the time he stepped out, he had reset Washington’s regulatory battle lines. These days Mr. Gaziano is a senior fellow in constitutional law at the Pacific Legal Foundation….

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January 26, 2017

When I first took my two aged, beloved beagles to the incompetent veterinarian, I didn’t make much of the fact that his practice adjoined an ethnic butcher shop. Once he’d muddled the diagnosis of both dogs, left one untreated for a kidney infection till he lost all bladder control, and tried to pressure me into a useless, dangerous surgery on…

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January 26, 2017

On Saturday, Trump press secretary Sean Spicer created a media firestorm by fibbing about sizes of inauguration crowds. After calling a press conference to claim that Trump’s inauguration had the largest audience in history, both “in person and around the globe,” Spicer tore into the media for their supposed falsehoods; Spicer specifically referenced D.C. Metro figures, fencing and magnetometer placement,…

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