By: John Paul Stevens – – March 27, 2018 Rarely in my lifetime have I seen the type of civic engagement schoolchildren and their supporters demonstrated in Washington and other major cities throughout the country this past Saturday. These demonstrations demand our respect. They reveal the broad public support for legislation to minimize the risk of mass killings of…

By: Kate Shellnutt – – March 27, 2018 Earlier this month, Billy Graham was buried in a funeral deemed his “last crusade.” Yet the evangelist has continued to draw thousands to convert to Christ. Graham’s ministry partners saw the global media attention following his passing on February 21 as a chance to showcase the gospel message that defined his…
By: Kate Shellnutt – – March 27, 2018 Earlier this month, Billy Graham was buried in a funeral deemed his “last crusade.” Yet the evangelist has continued to draw thousands to convert to Christ. Graham’s ministry partners saw the global media attention following his passing on February 21 as a chance to showcase the gospel message that defined his…
By: Carolyn McAtee Cerbin – – March 27, 2018 The Trump administration’s decision to ask people about their citizenship in the 2020 Census set off worries that non-citizens will dodge the survey altogether, diluting political representation for states that tend to vote Democratic. (March 27) AP The Commerce Department is reinstating a citizenship question to the 2020 Census for…
By: Staff – – March 27, 2018 Matthew 28:18-20 is the most well-known biblical record of what is commonly referred to extra-biblically as “the Great Commission.” But despite the significance of these and other verses that call Christians to “go and make disciples of all nations,” a surprising proportion of churchgoing Christians in the U.S. are generally unaware of…
By: Staff – – March 27, 2018 Matthew 28:18-20 is the most well-known biblical record of what is commonly referred to extra-biblically as “the Great Commission.” But despite the significance of these and other verses that call Christians to “go and make disciples of all nations,” a surprising proportion of churchgoing Christians in the U.S. are generally unaware of…
Matthew 28 is the most well-known biblical record of what is commonly referred to as “the Great Commission.” But a new Barna report reveals that a surprising proportion of churchgoing Christians lack familiarity with Jesus’ famous command to “go and make disciples of all nations.” Source: 51% of Churchgoers Don’t Know of the Great Commission – Barna Group
By: Matthew Diebel – – March 27, 2018 A Canadian ice cream company expanding into the United States has been slammed by some Christians for its name and marketing imagery. Sweet Jesus, a Toronto-based chain that has an outlet in Baltimore, Md., and plans to open at the Mall of America in Minnesota this summer, uses an upside-down cross…
By: Kurt Schlichter – – March 26, 2018 Remember the Kobayashi Maru scene in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan? Sometimes, you end up with no good options. Donald Trump just had that happen to him with the omnibus abomination, though don’t be fooled by the passive voice – he deserves some blame for letting it come to…
By: Jarrett Stepman – – March 24, 2018 Tens of thousands of protesters—and maybe more—gathered in Washington, D.C., and around the country Saturday to protest in favor of gun control. The demonstrations, called the March for Our Lives, featured children calling for an end to gun violence and ultimately stricter gun control laws. The Daily Signal hit the streets…
By: Sara Carter – – March 22, 2018 Special Counsel Robert Mueller III and lead attorney in the Special Counsel’s Office Andrew Weissmann have been connected to one another throughout most of their careers, and both men moved quickly to the top tackling major crime syndicates and white-collar crime. Ironically, both men were also connected in two of the…