By: Ann Coulter – – Thursday February 8, 2018 If you’ve been watching MSNBC and, consequently, have no idea what was in the CONTROVERSIAL! DISPUTED! AMATEURISH! memo released by the House Intelligence Committee (the “Nunes memo”), here is a brief summary: The Hillary Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee paid a Trump-hating British private eye, Christopher Steele, to produce…

By: The Editors – – February 7, 2018 Senate leaders have reached an agreement on a two-year budget deal. The deal would raise the budget caps that were established by the Budget Control Act in 2011 by almost $300 billion over the next two years. It would also fund the government for the next month while the Appropriations Committee…
By: Steve Cable – – December 17, 2017 Pew Research has done a great service to those who want to understand the current trends of religious beliefs in America. In 2007, they interviewed about 35,000 Americans to create the 2007 American Religious Landscape Study {1}. Then in 2014, they interviewed a similar size group of Americans using many of…
By: Steve Cable – – January 17, 2018 Steve Cable determines that ‘Nothing in Particulars’ are not actually practicing Christians who just don’t want to affiliate with a particular denomination. Earlier we examined the significant increase in Nones (those who said their religious affiliation was atheist, agnostic or nothing in particular), which grew from 25% of young adults in…
By Todd Beamon – – February 7, 2018 Two members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus slammed the two-year budget plan reached Wednesday by the Senate, with Alabama GOP Rep. Mo Brooks declaring, “I’m not only a no, I’m a hell no.” “It is a debt-junkie’s wildest dream — with all the spending of money that we don’t have,…
By: Tyler O’Neil – – January 31, 2018 News broke last week that Chinese scientists have successfully cloned two monkeys, breaking what is known as the “primate barrier.” With the healthy birth of two Macaque monkeys, scientists have achieved the reproductive cloning of primates, the mammal order that includes monkeys, apes, and humans. This represents a significant step toward…
By: Louis Nelson – – February 6, 2018 President Donald Trump on Tuesday called for a government shutdown if Congress does not pass what he considers adequate border-security measures. “If we don’t get rid of these loopholes where killers are allowed to come into our country and continue to kill … if we don’t change it, let’s have a…
By: Louis Nelson – – February 6, 2018 President Donald Trump on Tuesday called for a government shutdown if Congress does not pass what he considers adequate border-security measures. “If we don’t get rid of these loopholes where killers are allowed to come into our country and continue to kill … if we don’t change it, let’s have a…
By: Lisa Rozner – – February 5, 2018 Some parents say being politically correct has gone too far. As for the disappointed girls at PS 65, they say they’ve been getting ready for the dance for months. Officials opted to postpone the father-daughter dance at a school in Staten Island because it excludes other genders, claiming city policies forced them…
By: Dennis Prager – – February 6, 2018 It is usually easier for an outsider to defend a person or a group that is attacked than for the person or group. In that vein, this Jew would like to defend evangelicals and other Christians who support President Donald Trump. They are regularly attacked as religious hypocrites who give Christianity…
By: Michael Gleghorn – – April 39, 2007 Help! My Doubts Scare Me! Have you ever doubted your faith? We all have doubts from time to time. We may doubt that our boss really hit a hole-in-one at the golf course last weekend, or that our best friend really caught a fish as big as the one he claimed…