By: Michael Gleghorn – – April 39, 2007 Help! My Doubts Scare Me! Have you ever doubted your faith? We all have doubts from time to time. We may doubt that our boss really hit a hole-in-one at the golf course last weekend, or that our best friend really caught a fish as big as the one he claimed…

Devin Nunes’s memo actually refutes the core argument against the Russia investigation. By: David French – – February 2, 2018 From the moment that the so-called Steele dossier burst onto the public scene, thoughtful observers have wondered what role its “salacious and unverified” accusations played in the opening of the so-called Russia investigation, the counterintelligence inquiry into whether Trump…
By: Mike Berry – – January 29, 2018 Liberals who once proudly positioned themselves on the front lines of expanding conscience rights beyond religious liberty to include moral beliefs, have now abandoned those who need it most. Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights announced the creation of a new Conscience…
By: John Zmirak – – February 1, 2018 It’s rare that political events call to mind specific events from the New Testament. But this week’s State of the Union address did just that. Just this past Sunday Catholics heard an intriguing Gospel reading: [T]here was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit; and he cried out, “What…
By: Ann Coulter – – Thursday Feb 1, 2018 Unlike the president, I don’t call everything “incredible,” but Trump’s State of the Union address was incredible, beautifully delivered. (This guy could have a future in television!) As proof, I cite every single media outlet bitterly complaining after the speech that, as MSNBC’s chyron put it: “TRUMP FAILS TO MENTION…
By: Andrew C. McCarthy – – February 1, 2018 It appears very likely that President Trump is going to allow the disclosure, in some form, of the memo on alleged FISA abuse authored by majority staff of the House Intelligence Committee under the direction of Chairman Devin Nunes (R., Calif.). It could happen as early as today. As one… – January 30, 2018 Faiz Shakir, national political director at the American Civil Liberties Union, issued the following statement after President Trump’s first State of the Union address: “Tonight, President Trump said the word ‘America’ more than 80 times in his speech. Yet, after a divisive first year, we hear and feel how exclusionary that ‘America’ is, with policies that… – January 30, 2018 Faiz Shakir, national political director at the American Civil Liberties Union, issued the following statement after President Trump’s first State of the Union address: “Tonight, President Trump said the word ‘America’ more than 80 times in his speech. Yet, after a divisive first year, we hear and feel how exclusionary that ‘America’ is, with policies that…
By: John Heubusch – – October 18, 2017 By making tax reform one of the policy pillars of his first year in office, President Trump has made at least one move that aligns himself with the standard-bearer of conservatism, Ronald Reagan. Trump has laid out a plan that advances President Reagan’s vision for strong economic growth through lower taxes,…
By: Matt Vespa – – January 31, 2018 The war between House Republicans and the DOJ/FBI continues as the bureau released a statement today saying they had “grave concerns”about the House Intelligence Committee releasing a damning FISA memo that alleges grave abuses, citing omissions that could impact its accuracy (via the Hill): In a rare public statement on Wednesday,…
By: David French – – January 31, 2018 Civic ignorance is the enemy of liberty. In the midst of American debates over religion, speech, and conscience, we’re constantly treated to arguments that fundamentally misunderstand the relationship between the Constitution, statutes, and individual decisions. Censors elevate lesser values, denigrate the Bill of Rights, and ignore the role of individual choice…