
December 29, 2015

Setting things right The GOP needs to talk less, and do more in the new year “Low Prices Fail to Spark Growth,” a recent headline in the Wall Street Journal said. Economists scratch their heads wondering why the windfall of low gasoline prices has not spurred consumer spending. After all, many people are saving $100 a month when they fill…

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December 29, 2015
President Obama-Is This War Yet

Is this war yet? By Ambassador Francis Rooney Contrary to the constrained and parsed language that the Obama administration uses to describe the terror radiating from the Middle East, we are at war.  The terror attacks in France only underscore this reality.  This is a struggle for the values and freedoms the Western world holds dear.  The modern secular state…

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December 28, 2015

We know the ways and means to destroy the Islamic State. But we’re not doing it. By all accounts, ISIS is the wealthiest terrorist organization in the world. By far. In round numbers, ISIS is said to have a $2 billion stash, which is keeping it afloat. Most of it comes from oil sales. Much of it comes from plundered…

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December 28, 2015

Let me ask you a question. Let’s say you are an authentically moderate Muslim. Perhaps you were born into Islam but have become secularist. Or perhaps you consider yourself a devout Muslim but interpret Islam in a way that rejects violent jihad, rejects the concept that religious and civic life are indivisible, and rejects the principle that sharia’s totalitarian societal…

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December 23, 2015

INTRODUCTION Christians are dual citizens. We are citizens of the Kingdom of God by faith in Jesus Christ (Phil. 3:20). We are also citizens of an earthly “kingdom.” Consequently, we have obligations in both realms. Jesus commanded: “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s” (Matt. 22:21). As citizens of God’s Kingdom, we are to serve…

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December 21, 2015
Ted Cruz on Campain Trail

Ted Cruz’s View of the Race: Iowa Locked Up, Immigration at the Fore, and a Looming Battle with Rubio By Tim Alberta    — December 21, 2015 Las Vegas — Ted Cruz can see himself on a collision course with Marco Rubio, barreling toward a head-to-head battle with his fellow senator for the Republican nomination — that is, if Rubio can…

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December 21, 2015
Movie Theater

Movie Ratings: Sex Remains Top Concern for American Parents, Not Violence by Pamela McClintock A new survey commissioned by the ratings board also reveals that the vast majority of parents think even one use of the F-word should warrant an R-rating, not PG-13. Sexual content and nudity in movies remains the top concern for parents, while violence and language —…

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December 21, 2015
Hillary Clinton and John Kerry

The Democrats’ Theme for 2016 Is Totalitarianism By Kevin D. Williamson — December 20, 2015 At the beginning of December, Rolling Stone writer Jeff Goodell asked Secretary of State John Kerry whether Charles and David Koch, two libertarian political activists, should be considered — his remarkable words — “an enemy of the state.” He posed the same question about Exxon, and John…

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December 21, 2015
Democrat Debate-2015-12-19

Winners and losers in the third Democratic presidential debate By Chris Cillizza December 19,2015 The three Democrats running for president gathered in New Hampshire Saturday night for their third and final debate of 2015. It was a feisty affair with Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley aggressively attacking each other at almost every turn. I picked a handful of…

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December 18, 2015
FY 2016 Omnibus Appropriations Roll Call Vote in the House-Detail

The House has passed the Fiscal Year 2016 Omnibus Appropriations bill – 316 to 113. Click here to see a list of how the representatives voted.

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December 17, 2015
Donald Trump

Tuesday Night’s Debate Made Clear: Trump is Taking Some Positions Evangelicals Cannot Support in Good Conscience By Owen Strachan – Published on December 16, 2015 I have just one point for this piece: evangelicals should think hard about their view of Donald Trump. On the heels of last night’s debate, I am only shored up in this conviction. Evangelicals need…

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