
December 17, 2015

“NO” on $1.1 Trillion Year-End Omnibus Spending Bill Published by Dan Holler of Heritage Action on December 16, 2015 On Friday, the House will vote on the year-end omnibus spending bill, formally known as the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016.  The bill should have been an opportunity for conservatives to reassert their prerogatives on a host of important issues, ranging from…

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December 17, 2015
Good Grief Look What They Did to Charlie Brown

This is really getting ridiculous. If you want to take Christ out of Christmas, then why the heck would you bother to perform “A Charlie Brown Christmas?” I mean, that is the whole point, right? Apparently not to liberals… The Daily Caller reports that Thursday’s student performance of “A Charlie Brown Christmas” at W.R. Castle Elementary School in rural Johnson…

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December 17, 2015
2015 Scrooge Awards – Liberty Institute

In Liberty Institute’s second annual Scrooge Award, you can vote for the person or organization that displayed the most hostility to religious freedom in 2015. Tell us, Whose “Bah, humbug!” was loudest this year?

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December 17, 2015
Visa Vetting

Questions for travelers to the United States Queries about support for jihad should be fundamental By Kenneth R. Timmerman – Tuesday, December 15, 2015   Donald Trump is right that the United States government seems to be clueless when it comes to detecting potential jihadis in our midst. Now we know why. On Thursday, a former Homeland Security employee who…

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December 17, 2015
Pope Francis

WHAT IS SOCIAL JUSTICE? NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS When Pope Francis visited the United States in September, it may have been the first time that some Americans heard about the Jesuits, an order of Catholic priests renowned as educators and social justice advocates. Francis the first Jesuit ever elected to the papacy. For graduates of a Jesuit high…

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December 16, 2015
Donald Trump

Why Take the Trump Stunt Seriously? Why Take the Trump Stunt Seriously? So how exactly does this work, Donald Trump’s plan to keep America safe from Islamic terrorism by barring entry to all Muslims? He explained it Tuesday on TV. The immigration official will ask the foreigner if he’s a Muslim. “And if they said, ‘yes,’ they would not be…

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December 16, 2015
Ted Cruz at GOP Debate in Las Vegas

In Las Vegas Debate, a Rubio-Cruz Showdown Takes Center Stage Nine candidates took the stage here Tuesday night for the final primetime Republican debate of 2015, but in critical moments it seemed there were only two: Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. The pair of freshmen senators went toe-to-toe several times, most notably on the issues of the National Security Agency’s…

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December 16, 2015
CNN GOP Debate Participants

10 Quotes You’ll Want to See from Tonight’s Debate 12/15/2015 11:25:00 PM – Staff In case you missed any of tonight’s dialogue, here are some of the most memorable moments from the Republican field in their last debate of 2015.

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December 15, 2015

UPDATE: It gets worse. ABC News is reporting that Homeland Security officials have been bound by a secret US policy not to scrutinize visa applicants’ social media footprint because the Obama administration feared bad press over “civil liberties.” This represents an stunning, intentional dereliction of duty — all for PR: Fearing a civil liberties backlash and “bad public relations” for…

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December 15, 2015

WASHINGTON — When a lonely Virginia teenager named Ali Amin got curious about the Islamic State last year and went online to learn more, he found a virtual community awaiting. It had its own peculiar language, stirring imagery and just the warm camaraderie, sense of adventure and devotion to a cause that were missing from his dull suburban life. At…

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December 15, 2015

Everyone today is freaking out about a poll from Monmouth University that purports to show Donald Trump getting 41% of the Republican vote. There’s a lot to note about exactly how garbage this poll is. It is so bad that Monmouth’s own polling director is basically disavowing it. If you are interested in a relatively robust writeup of the methodological…

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