Dr. Everett Piper, President Oklahoma Wesleyan University This past week, I actually had a student come forward after a university chapel service and complain because he felt “victimized” by a sermon on the topic of 1 Corinthians 13. It appears this young scholar felt offended because a homily on love made him feel bad for not showing love. In his…

Dr. Everett Piper, President Oklahoma Wesleyan University This past week, I actually had a student come forward after a university chapel service and complain because he felt “victimized” by a sermon on the topic of 1 Corinthians 13. It appears this young scholar felt offended because a homily on love made him feel bad for not showing love. In his…
by John Zmirak – stream.org – June 1, 2017 The weeping and gnashing of teeth over President Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris Climate accords was deafening. I could barely hear my beagles baying at terrified skateboarders they were chasing down Commerce Street. Amidst the din, we did learn something. For instance, that Trump had rejected nothing less than “the…
by: Michael Brendan Dougherty – National Review – 6/2/2017 There is a frantic, almost panicked desire to see dramatic declines in U.S. power and prestige because its people elected Donald Trump. But geopolitical reality remains unchanged. America has lost the leadership of the globe in the last ten days. In fact, it lost it two times over. For completely different…
by: Saagar Enjeti – dailycaller.com – 6/3/2017 Significant terrorist attacks have sprung up across the globe since the beginning of Muslim holy month of Ramadan May 26, with current counts confirming three attacks and 149 dead, and a reported Saturday incident on London Bridge still developing. Islamist terrorist groups usually use the holiday to mount more significant terrorist attacks, and…
dailymail.co.uk – June 4, 2017 The jihadi in an Arsenal shirt was ‘euphoric’ and asking about how to hire a van just hours before the London Bridge atrocity, it was claimed last night. He could not contain his excitement during a conversation with a neighbour on Saturday afternoon. The neighbour said he wandered over and asked about his van…
By: Michael Brown – June 1, 2017 Without a doubt, Kathy Griffin crossed a dark and ugly line when she posted her instantly infamous, beheading picture. And she is suffering the consequences for her foolish actions. But is she alone to blame? Have not others contributed to the toxic atmosphere that provided the backdrop for her misdeed? Certainly, she alone…
By: Katie Pavlich – June 1, 2017 Speaking from the Rose Garden at the White House Thursday afternoon, President Donald Trump officially pulled the United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement. “In order to fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and its citizens, the United States will withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord,” Trump said to applause, adding…
By: Fred Lucas – @FredLucasWH – May 31, 2017 A farmers market and Facebook posts have opened a new front in courtroom battles over religious freedom. It started when Steve Tennes, who owns a 120-acre farm in Charlotte, Michigan, expressed his traditional view about marriage on the farm’s Facebook page. This drew a warning from an official more than 20…
At Point of View, we are dedicated to helping you to find truth in a world that no longer believes in absolute truth. Many in our culture have abandoned the search for truth in this post-truth world. As Christians, we realize the problem is even worse because most people are not thinking biblically about important issues. My recent interview with…
Kelly Shackelford, President, CEO and Chief Counsel of First Liberty Institute, today praised President Trump’s new Executive Order promoting free speech and religious liberty. In a statement, Shackelford said: “President Trump’s executive order on religious liberty should be both unnecessary and unremarkable. Yet activists have pledged to challenge President Trump in court for supporting the First Amendment. Our country was…