
July 7, 2015

Johnnie Moore wrote his first book, What Am I Supposed to Do with My Life?, based on his experiences working with college students as vice president of Liberty University. At Liberty, Moore became friends with TV producer Mark Burnett, who asked Moore to move to California to be his chief of staff. We talked about that change in our last…

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July 6, 2015
(AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Greece and its membership in Europe’s joint currency faced an uncertain future Monday, with the country under pressure to restart bailout talks with creditors as soon as possible after Greeks resoundingly rejected the notion of more austerity in exchange for aid. With Greek banks running out of cash and facing the danger of collapse within days…

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July 2, 2015

US blocks attempts by Arab allies to fly heavy weapons directly to Kurds to fight Islamic State By Con Coughlin, Defence Editor – The Telegraph Middle East allies accuse Barack Obama and David Cameron of failing to show strategic leadership in fight against Isil, as MPs could be given vote on whether to bomb Syria The United States has blocked…

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July 2, 2015

Is Polygamy on the Right Side of History? By Charles C. W. Cooke, National Review    — July 1, 2015 It should by now be abundantly clear that the laziest cases against the inevitability of polygamy are starting to push up the daisies. Before Justice Kennedy decided to appoint himself the nation’s most cherished arbiter of dark magic and inscrutable…

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July 2, 2015
Who Can Name 1st Amendment Rights

The First Amendment Center has conducted an annual national survey since 1997 of American attitudes toward the First Amendment. The “State of the First Amendment: 2014” is the seventeenth survey in this series. This year’s annual survey repeats some of the questions that have been administered since 1997 and includes some new questions as well.

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July 1, 2015

I loved reading the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie books to my daughter. The somewhat Aesopian theme is that if you give the mouse what it wants – a cookie – it will just want more: a glass of milk, a straw, etc. The story came to mind last week, a week that began with many vowing to…

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July 1, 2015

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork/AP) — Another suspected member of a reportedly ISIS radicalized terror cell was arrested in New Jersey Monday, as the metropolitan area goes on hyper-alert for the threat of an attack during the Fourth of July holiday. As CBS2 Political Reporter Marcia Kramer reported Monday, experts said they think the terror threats are very real, because ISIS is…

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July 1, 2015

In a dramatic but widely expected step, Greece formally defaulted on a $1.7 billion payment to the International Monetary Fund early Wednesday in Athens. Greece became the first developed country to default to the IMF, an organization of 188 nations that tries to keep the world economy stable. Greece will now be cut off from access to IMF resources until…

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June 30, 2015

Voting Republican and other failed culture war strategies are not going to save us now No, the sky is not falling — not yet, anyway — but with the Supreme Court ruling constitutionalizing same-sex marriage, the ground under our feet has shifted tectonically. It is hard to overstate the significance of the Obergefell decision — and the seriousness of the…

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June 30, 2015

The Supreme Court has just struck down laws that recognize the perennial truth that marriage involves a man and a woman. The fourteen hold-out states who had maintained the truth must now redefine marriage to include relationships that lack the essential characteristics of marriage. Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for the majority, fulfilling his role as the case-study in disastrous Republican…

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June 30, 2015
SCOTUS building

READY: Liberty Institute Prepares 5-Point Plan for Supreme Court Marriage Decision and Its Ramifications on Religious Liberty In the next few days, the U.S. Supreme Court will announce whether it will impose a redefinition of marriage on all America in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges. The Court’s decision could: Impose a marriage redefinition nationally, all at once, by finding…

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